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[[File:LengTown.png|thumb|Leng Town]][[File:Leng NG annotated.png|thumb|This Old Map does not reflect the current state of Stormhalter.  Go see how it's grown!]]
Leng was a strong bastion of the Brotherhood. The Inner circle of Leng had managed, many years ago, to gain control of the Government of Leng. The result of this control was that the Brotherhood could freely do business in Leng, without the need for the secrecy. Anyone who didn't agree with the government had a habit of mysteriously disappearing (and for some reason the Drake and the Dragon both seem to be slightly overweight.)
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A little known fact is that, after the botched attempt at summoning the Dragon in Kesmai, the few survivors of the Summoning that did manage to escape came to Leng. There they recovered from thier wounds and started to try and piece together the remnents of Lore that they still remembered (having lost much of thier information when the first dragon took over Kesmail.) The Brotherhood flourished here for many years after, and they again tried to summon a dragon, still intent on the destruction of the Grand Order of Thaums.
<br /><br />
<div>[[File:Leng.png|left]]Leng is a dry, mountainous region ruled by the Autocrat of the Outer Ring, whose name is never spoken. It is said that one can summon this great sorceror by invoking his name, just as one may summon a demon: but unlike any demon, he cannot be controlled. In addition to ruling over Leng, the Autocrat is the supreme power in the Guild of Sorcerers, a pale copy of the Brotherhood of Yasnac. The guild is strong within Leng, but its activities are greatly hidden for fear of the same powers that engineered the banishment of the Brotherhood of Yasnac.
This second attempt was more successful in one regard. The Dragon that was summoned in Kesmai was one of the lesser dragons. This time, in Leng, they managed to summon a Great Dragon. Kosh appeared with the summons, and he too was not very pleased at having his rest disturbed by the brotherhood. This time, though, none of the brotherhood escaped the wrath of the Dragon, and Kosh had more than his fill of the brotherhood. After finishing off the Brotherhood, Kosh flew around and terrorized the countryside, until he found a cave High in the cliffs of Leng, where he settled down. He has been known to come out every so often, and people know to hide anytime he does appear.  
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The Autocrat has plans to change this, for he has read in ancient texts of beings of darkness such as would make the most powerful demon seem a child by comparison.
The Puppet government that the brotherhood controlled was lost and confused for a time, and anarchy almost completely took hold. But finally an Autocrat, Vlad, stepped forward and seized the reigns of the government. He had been but an initiate of the Brotherhood at one time, and had been dismissed for his failures as a sorcerer. But he knew some of the lore, and this he shared with an inner circle of the government, in the hopes that someday HE would be the one to ressurect the Brotherhood. Vlad disappeared one night, and was never seen again, though it is rumored that he still rules the inner council from another location in Leng.  
The Autocrat has dreams of contacting them to offer his Guild as acolytes. Rumours of this plan have circulated about Leng, and the population in general hopes it will
<br /><br />
succeed and bring power and wealth to their country. Moral concerns are not very important in Leng. News of what the Autocrat would do has not left Leng, for the rugged
Due to the Strong presence of the Brotherhood, Thaums have a very hard time surviving, and as a result, they had to move the temple completely out of town to a remote location, and that temple still exists in the far northeast corner of the Leng Desert. And to this day, thaums are not very well trusted in the province of Leng, though they seem to be better tolerated than in the past.
land does not welcome strangers. The very few outlanders who did get wind of the scheme will never leave- they are buried too deeply. As the supreme ruler of Leng, the
Autocrat is empowered with the right to order execution for no better reason than whim. Serving the Autocrat directly is the Outer Ring, composed of the Masters of the  
Guild of Sorcerers, who act as the Autocrat's chief administrators. The Autocrats will is enforced by the Lesser Ring, composed of elite fighters who have sworn to die
in the service of the Autocrat. It is whispered that drugs and spells have made the Lesser Ring believe that vast rewards in the afterlife belong to those who die carrying
out the Autocrat's orders. The outer world is generally unaware of the doings of the Autocrat and his Ring, for their delving into the dark lore is quietly done in the  
underground caverns commʊn throughout Leng. Unlike the Lord Emperor of the Brotherhood, the Autocrat prefers to move about his purposes with guile rather than bombast.
This approach seemed to be effective, for the Guild has successfully managed to summon a great Dragon, which in return for ridding the land of would-be intruders, lives
high in the mountains of Leng, in harmony with the local inhabitants. Similarly, a great Drake, which, ages ago, had been conjured up in Kesmai by the Yasnaki, lives
contentedly in the highlands of Leng and assists the Autocrat in the harassment of strangers.
The people of Leng are smaller than average, but very quick. They tend to be pale, owing to an aversion to the sun. Much of daily life in Leng is carried out during the early
evening and night. The members of the Outer and Lesser Rings, the ruling class of the island, are never seen during daylight hours. The general population tends to have black
hair and dark eyes that are flat and non-reflective. It is said that these eyes are the legacy of a strange race that came to Leng in older days and interbred with the natives.

== Sections ==
== Sections ==
[[Leng Surface]]

== Lair Bosses ==
* [[Leng Drake Lair]]
* [[Leng Green Floor Dungeon (Leng UD)]]
* [[Leng Griffon Cliffs]]
* [[Leng Kosh's Lair]]
* [[Leng Surface]]
* [[Leng Surface Cliffs]]
* [[Leng Mausoleum]]
* [[Leng Ninja's Lair (Shidosha's Lair)]]
* [[Leng Portals]]
* [[Leng Rift -50]]
* [[Leng Rift -100]]
* [[Leng Rift -200]]
* [[Leng Stables]]
* [[Leng Temple]]
* [[Leng Vlad's Tower]]
* [[Leng Waterfall Ledge]]
== Creature Info ==
[[Leng Creature Info]]
=== Lair Bosses ===

* [[Leng Drake]]
* [[Leng Drake]]
* Kosh
* [[Leng Kosh|Kosh]]
* Sand Serpent
* [[Leng Sandwyrm]]
*[[Leng Trio]]
* [[Shidosha]]
* [[Shidosha]]
* [[Vlad]]
* [[Leng Vlad|Vlad]]

Latest revision as of 01:07, 16 May 2024

Leng Town
This Old Map does not reflect the current state of Stormhalter. Go see how it's grown!
Leng is a dry, mountainous region ruled by the Autocrat of the Outer Ring, whose name is never spoken. It is said that one can summon this great sorceror by invoking his name, just as one may summon a demon: but unlike any demon, he cannot be controlled. In addition to ruling over Leng, the Autocrat is the supreme power in the Guild of Sorcerers, a pale copy of the Brotherhood of Yasnac. The guild is strong within Leng, but its activities are greatly hidden for fear of the same powers that engineered the banishment of the Brotherhood of Yasnac.

The Autocrat has plans to change this, for he has read in ancient texts of beings of darkness such as would make the most powerful demon seem a child by comparison. The Autocrat has dreams of contacting them to offer his Guild as acolytes. Rumours of this plan have circulated about Leng, and the population in general hopes it will succeed and bring power and wealth to their country. Moral concerns are not very important in Leng. News of what the Autocrat would do has not left Leng, for the rugged land does not welcome strangers. The very few outlanders who did get wind of the scheme will never leave- they are buried too deeply. As the supreme ruler of Leng, the Autocrat is empowered with the right to order execution for no better reason than whim. Serving the Autocrat directly is the Outer Ring, composed of the Masters of the Guild of Sorcerers, who act as the Autocrat's chief administrators. The Autocrats will is enforced by the Lesser Ring, composed of elite fighters who have sworn to die in the service of the Autocrat. It is whispered that drugs and spells have made the Lesser Ring believe that vast rewards in the afterlife belong to those who die carrying out the Autocrat's orders. The outer world is generally unaware of the doings of the Autocrat and his Ring, for their delving into the dark lore is quietly done in the underground caverns commʊn throughout Leng. Unlike the Lord Emperor of the Brotherhood, the Autocrat prefers to move about his purposes with guile rather than bombast.

This approach seemed to be effective, for the Guild has successfully managed to summon a great Dragon, which in return for ridding the land of would-be intruders, lives high in the mountains of Leng, in harmony with the local inhabitants. Similarly, a great Drake, which, ages ago, had been conjured up in Kesmai by the Yasnaki, lives contentedly in the highlands of Leng and assists the Autocrat in the harassment of strangers.

The people of Leng are smaller than average, but very quick. They tend to be pale, owing to an aversion to the sun. Much of daily life in Leng is carried out during the early evening and night. The members of the Outer and Lesser Rings, the ruling class of the island, are never seen during daylight hours. The general population tends to have black hair and dark eyes that are flat and non-reflective. It is said that these eyes are the legacy of a strange race that came to Leng in older days and interbred with the natives.


Creature Info

Leng Creature Info

Lair Bosses