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* <span class="command-input">"belt broadsword"</span> will sheath your broadsword in your belt.
* <span class="command-input">"belt broadsword"</span> will sheath your broadsword in your belt.
* <span class="command-input">"wield broadsword"</span> will pull your broadsword from your belt.
* <span class="command-input">"wield broadsword"</span> will pull your broadsword from your belt.
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The "Take" command will allow you to pick up items on your hex and manipulate rings you're wearing.
*<span class="command-input">“take bottle”</span>
*<span class="command-input">“take broadsword”</span> (Sometimes helps when you fumble. *Provided dead mobs on your hex don't use the same weapons.)
*<span class="command-input">“take 1 ring off left”</span> (*requires a free hand. 1-4, right or left.)
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Revision as of 09:08, 10 October 2022

  • Text commands are used to augment the default commands associated with game icons (and which appear in the action indicator). Text commands are entered into the command line from your keyboard and are executed by pressing the <Enter> key.
  • Text commands follow a general, standardized format, although there may be different ways to phrase some text commands that are not explicitly mentioned; therefore, you may find various permutations of the text commands. You should experiment with optional ways of using text commands – but do so in a safe location, where your character’s life is not being threatened while you experiment.
  • Text commands must be entered exactly, with correct spelling and using the proper syntax. Spelling errors or improper syntax will result in an "invalid command" message; type and enter a valid command (or use a default command) to clear the error.
  • Text commands may be repeated by typing "again" (abbreviated "a"), which is identical to typing the previous command. Commands can be repeated as many times as necessary. Text messages (conversation) will not be repeated by the "again" text command.
  • Text commands must be entered one at a time and may not be combined.

The command/conversation toggle, located immediately to the left of the command line, is not required be in the correct position (signified by sword icon) before you may issue a text command. The input will be redirected to the alternative toggle if the input begins with a forward-slash. For example: issuing "/hello" while under the command toggle will converse with "hello."


Changing the volume of your game volume is possible via Settings at startup and via command line

  • Settings
  • Command line "volume 50". Translates to Volume of 50%.


Changing levels of the dungeon is usually done by going up and down stairs. To ascend or descend a staircase, move to the staircase hex and use the following commands:

  • "up", can be shortened to "u"
  • "down", can be shortened to "d"

Moving up and down cannot be mixed with horizontal motion. Do not use the “climb up” or “climb down” commands for stairs.


In addition to staircases, you can attempt to climb up and down pits, cliffs and walls. A character’s climbing ability depends on strength, encumbrance, character class and luck. Martial Artists and Thieves receive special training in climbing, so they have a strong advantage in this area. Anyone can climb down a pit; however, to climb up, you must have reasonable strength and climbing ability or you will fall. Climbing requires at least one hand to be empty (most pits require two empty hands). Note: Using the "down" command in a pit will most likely cause you to fall.
Instead, use: "climb down"
To climb up a pit, use: "climb up"



From time to time, you will find yourself in a situation where you can’t see where you are going, and you do not want to risk running into or falling off of something. The "crawl" command will allow you to move one hex in any of the eight directions without fear of falling. This command is much slower than normal movement. To safely move one hex to the northwest you would use: "crawl nw"


It is possible to swim across bodies of water if your encumbrance is lower than moderate; even if you are moderately encumbered, you might be able to swim. Because of swift and treacherous currents, it takes longer to cover distances by swimming than by walking; therefore, you can move only one hex at a time when swimming. These limitations do not apply to sea creatures; sharks can swim much faster than you can. You would swim much similar to horizontal movement.

Bodies of deep water will pull you under, making it difficult to breathe. The "swim" command is associated with any water hex, it will bring you above the surface to catch your breath.



While swimming, you may dive and spend a short period on the bottom, then return to the surface for air. To do so, type and enter the text command: "dive". Unless you are under the influence of the Breathe Water spell, you must swim or dive constantly; otherwise, you will drown within a few moments after you stop swimming or diving.


If an item is too heavy to lift and you want to move it somewhere, you can push it along the ground -- and, if you are strong enough, up and down stairs.

  • "push corpse north" will move a corpse in your hex one hex to the north.
  • "push bottle 2 north" will move the second bottle north.

Important note: You will move along with the item you are pushing, so think twice before you push that dead critter off a cliff!

Belt & Wield

Every so often you'll need to change weapons or put one away to make a climb.

  • "belt broadsword" will sheath your broadsword in your belt.
  • "wield broadsword" will pull your broadsword from your belt.


The "Take" command will allow you to pick up items on your hex and manipulate rings you're wearing. Examples:

  • “take bottle”
  • “take broadsword” (Sometimes helps when you fumble. *Provided dead mobs on your hex don't use the same weapons.)
  • “take 1 ring off left” (*requires a free hand. 1-4, right or left.)


When entering text commands, abbreviations often may be used for efficiency. Note that specific text commands can be shortened to the least number of characters necessary to make the command unique. For example, “fight” shortens to “f”; and directions may be abbreviated by entering one or two indicative letters.
For example: “n” for north, or “se” for southeast.

Likewise, when speaking to a non-player character, using the first one or two letters of the character’s name often will suffice instead of the full name.
For example: m, deposit may be used instead of Marlis, deposit.

Creature names can be abbreviated as well.
For example: “sk” for skeleton, or “wy” for wyvern.

Command Description
help Show overview of some commands.
<trainer's name>, train <gold amount> Trains at the current trainer for the specified gold amount.