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Weapons are used by players to attack and kill creatures found in the dungeons. Most weapons are melee weapons, and attack using the 'fight' command. Halberds, staffs and spears provide additional attack options, such as 'poke' or 'polekick', and bows must be knocked and then shot at a creature to attack. All weapons may be thrown at creatures.

Skill Types

Each weapon in Lands of Kes uses a specific skill type. All attacks with that weapon will depend on the user's skill in that type. The skill types are listed below:

Skill Alias Notes Max add

available (BG/AG)

Best block available Usual Damage Range Usual Damage Type
Hand Martial Arts,


Only martial artists can train past 2nd Dan.

The abilities jumpkick, kick and polekick use MA skill; polekick only uses it "to hit", not damage. Boots affect kick and polekick.

MA skill is hindered by all armors (excpet AG MA specific armor), most robes (excett the kimono, 'bed sheet', Somdy robe, and 'con' robe), boots and weapons.

Lawful MAs: +4/+6,


Best at very high level 3 (jumpkick)

2(polekick) 0(punch/kick)

Bow Crossbow


Crossbows and shortbows do not break a thief's "hide".

Bows must be loaded to use: turn 1 load, turn 2 shoot. Only crossbows allows moving with an arrow loaded.



Never blocks 3 Pointy; blunt?
Dagger Daggers can be envenomed with the Venom Spell. Daggers do not break hide.

Can be thrown from belt.


Neutrals:+4 Others:+3

Thieves: +5 3 (throw) Pointy

silver daggers can hit skeletons (normally pointy only)

Halberd Halberd allows poke and polekick abilities.

Halberd cannot be belted.

Lawful knight:+5/+6,

Lawful:+4/+6, Others:+2/+4

+++ 1 - poke; 2 - polekick Edged and Blunt
Mace Hammer




++ 3 (throw) Blunt (axe:Edged)
Rapier +5 - 0 Pointy
Shuriken Thrown


Shurikens can be poisonned, do not break hide spell and can be thrown from belt.

Any thrown objects that is not a dagger or mace uses this skill: bottles, balls, figurines ...

+1 - 3 (throw) Pointy
Staff Lawful:+4/+7,

Evil:+4, Others:+2

++++ 0; 2 - polekick Blunt (spear:Pointy)
Sword Shortsword

Longsword Katana

Lawful:+4*2 (double attack speed)/+6,

Others: +4/+6

+ 0 Edged ('short' sword: Pointy)
Threestaff 3-Staff +2 + 0 Blunt
Flail Lawful:+4/+6 0 Blunt
TwoHanded Greatsword


Some TwoHanded weapons can be used with one hand (eg broadsword), while some NON TwoHanded weapons require using two hands (eg Halberd's Naginata, Mace's Maul) Lawful:+4/+7,


+++ 0 Edged

Note: Alias column displays other names by which that skill type may be referenced.

Damage Types

Some monsters in the game can only be damaged and killed by weapons that inflict a certain type of damage. All weapons will inflict at least one type of damage on its target, however there are a few weapons that can inflict multiple types of damage with a single attack.

Type Notes
Blue Glow This property is generally found on Tied weapons and other items with magic properties.
Silver A silver weapon is sometimes needed to attack specific creatures.
Piercing Some creatures require piercing weapons to damage them, while some (like skeletons are completely immune to its affects.
Blunt Some mobs are immune.
Slashing Some mobs require edged.