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[[File:Uk.png|thumb|Under Kingdom Character Backdrop]]
[[File:UnderKingdom NG annotated.png|thumb|right|This Old Map does not reflect the current state of Stormhalter.  Go see how it's grown!]]
[[File:UnderKingdom NG annotated.png|thumb|This Old Map does not reflect the current state of Stormhalter.  Go see how it's grown!]]
|<div>[[File:Uk.png|left]]Many years ago, the Yasnaki brotherhood was very powerful and held much of the land under its control. But because of their desire to destroy the Grand Order of Thaums in Mu, they attempted to summon a dragon, and were defeated. Or so it was believed.
But after the disaster, a few of the brotherhood managed to escape and establish a colony in the Underkingdom. To ensure that their base of power was not disturbed, they destroyed the portal to the Underkingdom. Once this was done, the Yasnaki began to rebuild, terrorizing the inhabitants of the realm, and doing what they do best, which is to destroy.
In recent times, the kobolds of the Underkingdom, a lawful race that has managed to hold out for many years against the Yasnaki, have reopened the portal to the Underkingdom. They sent a desperate plea to the warriors and wizards of Kesmai so that they may have protection from the ravages of the evils that the brotherhood has brought to their land.
The problems that beset the Kobolds are many. First, there is the older order of the Yasnaki, led by the Overlord. They are as powerful as ever, and their leader holds much of the former power of the group. Some say that the Overlord is not living at all, but is of the undead order; others say that he is magic incarnate. Either way, The Overlord (along with many of the older forces of the Yasnaki) have forgone their mortal bodies and wander the realm as evil spirits. This may be the last known remnant of the older order.
Of course, not all of the older Yasnaki were sorcerers, as was once believed. The Yasnaki were never so single-minded that they ignored the physical powers of sword and hand. In fact, some of the finest warriors in the land served the Brotherhood. Those that stayed with the Overlord suffered similar fates as the Sorcerers, becoming evil spirits and skeletons. The Master of the Sword for the Yasnaki himself is rumored to have survived as a Skeleton Swordmaster, ruling over many minions of the undead and guarding the entrance to the secret area of the Overlord.
Not all of the Yasnaki chose to follow in the footsteps of the Overlord. A group of younger Yasnaki, led by the powerful assassin Carfel, decided to take off on their own course. They devoted themselves to more normal disciplines of magic and might, and have probably some of the finest warriors and wizards around. In fact, many of the younger Yasnaki are the equals to the finest that have wandered the known realms. The younger Yasnaki moved away from the Overlord, and established a separate complex in the Underkingdom.
Besides the two factions of the Yasnaki, there is also a group of trolls, orcs, and hobgoblins that have taken residence in the upper realms of the Underkingdom, led by the Troll King. He holds sway over all of these chaotic forces, and makes sure that they are very well trained. He has a special, elite unit of trolls that serve as his personal bodyguards.
The Troll king, in his ambition to rule over all of the Underkingdom, has kidnapped the princess of the Kobold King, Kookoo. His demand is that all rule be turned over to him before he will set the princess free. Rather than allow the Troll King to rule, King Kookoo sought the reopening of the portal to Axe, and offers a very valuable and rare potion to any that would dare tread the Troll King's palace to rescue his daughter.
The Kobold city is an island amid the chaotic rampages of the surface and the underground realms. Inhabited by lawful kobolds, a race that has withstood the test of time and the ravages of both the Yasnaki and the Troll King, Kobold City offers many of the same amenities as Kesmai and the other known realms.
The upper level of the town has a special gate that leads to the surface. This gate was built to keep the wyverns of Wyvern Plains out, thereby protecting the inhabitants. To the west of the gate is the entrance to the Underkingdom thieves' guild.
The upper level of town itself has the usual MA and wizard trainers (among the finest to be found), Chap's Bar and Grill, the pawnshop, the tanner, the bank, and the locker room. Venders for balm and recalls can be found in the plaza around the pool.
The lower level of the town houses the temple, the throne room of King Kookoo, the merchants' shops, and the rest of the city. In fact, the lower level city is a virtual maze of rooms that have been carved out of the rocks. Of great importance are the two entrances to the vast realms of the Underkingdom, one to the east that leads towards the palace of the Troll King, and the other to the west that leads through some other areas controlled by minions of the Troll King.
Wandering on the Wyvern Plains, one can find wyverns of many different colors and varieties. Some are just plain wyverns, while others area resistant to fire or ice. All are deadly, particularly when they attack as a pack. But even more deadly to the careless wanderer is the Drake. His attacks are like that of the Leng or Axe Drake, except that he has not been known to breathe lightning. However, what he lacks in breath he more than makes up for in sheer speed, as his attacks are lightning fast. He is otherwise as durable as his Leng counterpart, and requires the same weapon selection to bring down.</div>


Revision as of 10:48, 22 September 2022

This Old Map does not reflect the current state of Stormhalter. Go see how it's grown!
Many years ago, the Yasnaki brotherhood was very powerful and held much of the land under its control. But because of their desire to destroy the Grand Order of Thaums in Mu, they attempted to summon a dragon, and were defeated. Or so it was believed.

But after the disaster, a few of the brotherhood managed to escape and establish a colony in the Underkingdom. To ensure that their base of power was not disturbed, they destroyed the portal to the Underkingdom. Once this was done, the Yasnaki began to rebuild, terrorizing the inhabitants of the realm, and doing what they do best, which is to destroy.

In recent times, the kobolds of the Underkingdom, a lawful race that has managed to hold out for many years against the Yasnaki, have reopened the portal to the Underkingdom. They sent a desperate plea to the warriors and wizards of Kesmai so that they may have protection from the ravages of the evils that the brotherhood has brought to their land.

The problems that beset the Kobolds are many. First, there is the older order of the Yasnaki, led by the Overlord. They are as powerful as ever, and their leader holds much of the former power of the group. Some say that the Overlord is not living at all, but is of the undead order; others say that he is magic incarnate. Either way, The Overlord (along with many of the older forces of the Yasnaki) have forgone their mortal bodies and wander the realm as evil spirits. This may be the last known remnant of the older order.

Of course, not all of the older Yasnaki were sorcerers, as was once believed. The Yasnaki were never so single-minded that they ignored the physical powers of sword and hand. In fact, some of the finest warriors in the land served the Brotherhood. Those that stayed with the Overlord suffered similar fates as the Sorcerers, becoming evil spirits and skeletons. The Master of the Sword for the Yasnaki himself is rumored to have survived as a Skeleton Swordmaster, ruling over many minions of the undead and guarding the entrance to the secret area of the Overlord.

Not all of the Yasnaki chose to follow in the footsteps of the Overlord. A group of younger Yasnaki, led by the powerful assassin Carfel, decided to take off on their own course. They devoted themselves to more normal disciplines of magic and might, and have probably some of the finest warriors and wizards around. In fact, many of the younger Yasnaki are the equals to the finest that have wandered the known realms. The younger Yasnaki moved away from the Overlord, and established a separate complex in the Underkingdom.

Besides the two factions of the Yasnaki, there is also a group of trolls, orcs, and hobgoblins that have taken residence in the upper realms of the Underkingdom, led by the Troll King. He holds sway over all of these chaotic forces, and makes sure that they are very well trained. He has a special, elite unit of trolls that serve as his personal bodyguards.

The Troll king, in his ambition to rule over all of the Underkingdom, has kidnapped the princess of the Kobold King, Kookoo. His demand is that all rule be turned over to him before he will set the princess free. Rather than allow the Troll King to rule, King Kookoo sought the reopening of the portal to Axe, and offers a very valuable and rare potion to any that would dare tread the Troll King's palace to rescue his daughter.

The Kobold city is an island amid the chaotic rampages of the surface and the underground realms. Inhabited by lawful kobolds, a race that has withstood the test of time and the ravages of both the Yasnaki and the Troll King, Kobold City offers many of the same amenities as Kesmai and the other known realms.

The upper level of the town has a special gate that leads to the surface. This gate was built to keep the wyverns of Wyvern Plains out, thereby protecting the inhabitants. To the west of the gate is the entrance to the Underkingdom thieves' guild.

The upper level of town itself has the usual MA and wizard trainers (among the finest to be found), Chap's Bar and Grill, the pawnshop, the tanner, the bank, and the locker room. Venders for balm and recalls can be found in the plaza around the pool.

The lower level of the town houses the temple, the throne room of King Kookoo, the merchants' shops, and the rest of the city. In fact, the lower level city is a virtual maze of rooms that have been carved out of the rocks. Of great importance are the two entrances to the vast realms of the Underkingdom, one to the east that leads towards the palace of the Troll King, and the other to the west that leads through some other areas controlled by minions of the Troll King.

Wandering on the Wyvern Plains, one can find wyverns of many different colors and varieties. Some are just plain wyverns, while others area resistant to fire or ice. All are deadly, particularly when they attack as a pack. But even more deadly to the careless wanderer is the Drake. His attacks are like that of the Leng or Axe Drake, except that he has not been known to breathe lightning. However, what he lacks in breath he more than makes up for in sheer speed, as his attacks are lightning fast. He is otherwise as durable as his Leng counterpart, and requires the same weapon selection to bring down.


UK portal via Axe

To travel to the Underkingdom, you'll need to stand on and activate the purple portal hex. The portal can be found near Chaos Town in Axe Glacier. Additionally, there is a UK portal within the Bloodlands portal room and one within the Blackburrow portal room.

Portal room in Bloodlands


Lair Bosses and Roaming Mini Bosses

Lair Bosses

Portal room in Blackburrow

Roaming Mini Bosses