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[[File:Leng Mesa Forest.png|alt=Mesa-top Forests|thumb|Leng Homeland Backdrop (Alpha)]]
[[Nationalities|Barbarian]] | [[Lengians|Leng]] | [[Hovathians|Hovath]] | [[Draznians|Draznia]] | [[Illyrians|Illyria]] | [[Lemurians|Lemuria]] | [[Muians|Mu]] | [[Mnarians|Mnar]]
[[Nationalities|Barbarian]] | [[Lengians|Leng]] | [[Hovathians|Hovath]] | [[Draznians|Draznia]] | [[Illyrians|Illyria]] | [[Lemurians|Lemuria]] | [[Muians|Mu]] | [[Mnarians|Mnar]]

Revision as of 14:51, 6 October 2022

Mesa-top Forests
Leng Homeland Backdrop (Alpha)

Barbarian | Leng | Hovath | Draznia | Illyria | Lemuria | Mu | Mnar

Leng -


Dry, arrid, mountainous.

Lengians are a short, grey-complected race of people known for their speed, guile, and bloodlust.

Ruled by 'The autocrat', whose name is never spoken - the invoking of his name is said to summon him -which is bad.

He/she is also the Supreme power of the Guild of Sorcerers who comprise his/her "Outer ring"

Fighters comprise the 'Lesser ring' of protectors and enforcers of the 'Outer ring'

The Guild of Sorcerers is strong in Leng, but hide their activities from the powers that brought about the fall of the Yasnak.

Keeps low-key, and underground. (literally. massive tunnel complexes.)

Autocrat has read ancient texts that could allow him to contact demon-like beings, he would offer his Guild as acolytes to.

Moral concerns are not very important to Lengians who support this, thinking it will bring great wealth, power, and influence to their country.

people who speak out wind up drugged/mind-controlled. (drug often leaving a red blood-colored scar, considered a rite of passage to Lengians who broke free.)

Unwelcoming of strangers, Lengians are very secretive and tend to keep to themselves.

Thaums tend to have fatal accidents here.(hunted, assassinated.  Leng thaums stay hidden.)

predominantly Wizards, Sorcerers, Thieves and Fighters.

Short sword and bow are preferred weapons.

Autocrat views killing as waste of resources. (people are servants)

no killing in town.

To the outer world, Leng is simply a backward place with a provincial attitude toward strangers.

The chief exports are furs from animals that live in the high forests, and a delicate fabric woven from the webs of giant spiders that inhabit those same forests.

Starting Skills

Fighter Martial Artist Thaumaturge Wizard Thief
Bow Mediocre Mediocre Awkward Awkward
Dagger Mediocre Mediocre Awkward Awkward Capable
Greatsword (2H)
Hand White Belt Blue Belt White Belt Yellow Belt
Mace Awkward Awkward
Magic Shaman Apprentice Master of Mischief
Rapier Mediocre Awkward Awkward Awkward
Shuriken Awkward Awkward Awkward Mediocre
Staff/Spear Mediocre Capable Awkward Awkward Awkward
Sword Capable Capable Mediocre Mediocre Mediocre
Thievery Mediocre Average
3-Staff Capable