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[[File:LengMaus.png|thumb|Leng Mausoleum]]
[[File:LengMaus.png|thumb|Leng Mausoleum]]<div>High above the level of Leng town lies the ruins of an even older city. The dark city was once the capital of Leng. Nowadays, this is where the Autocrat is believed to have centralised his power and the whole area is heavily defended. Roaming the main level of the dark city are many spell casters, members of the Lesser Ring who are fortunately blind in the darkness. On the other hand, there are also many undead wraiths that can see perfectly well in the darkness. These wraiths are said to be the remains of guild members, so evil that only their undead presence persists. Along a passage on the north side of the city are several skeletons and other undead that guard the entrance to the sand serpent's lair.
The base of the dark tower is in the centre of the old city. Many of the passages around the base of the tower are permanently covered in darkness, and only those that have night vision can see to make their way around. Inside the dark tower, there are numerous forces of chaos. Including the base, there are five levels to the tower each inhabited by progressively more fearsome beings. Many of these invisible unless they are standing next to you. At the very top of the tower lives (if that is an appropriate term given his lifestyle) the dreaded, blood sucking vampire. While it has never been confirmed, it is said that this vampire is, in fact, Vlad the Autocrat, although many doubt this, believing the Auto- crat to be an even more powerful being. With him are several powerful creatures including griffins, salamanders and liches, who act as his personal bodyguards. Taken as a whole, the dark tower may well be the most dangerous area in the known world. The vampire alone, can dispatch a medium warrior with a single death spell without the need of chanting, can strike with tooth and nail for similar damage, and is rumoured to be poisonous with his bite. He may only be harmed by silver weapons and a few magic spells. On the levels below the vampire, the forces of chaos gather in such numbers that even the strongest of adventurers can be engulfed without even striking a single blow.
On the east side of the city is a grand avenue that ends with a mausoleum to the north. Within the mausoleum is a statue that guards the crypts contained within (rumoured to contain the mortal remains of Vlad, though no one has ever found them). Also near the mausoleum is a presence of fear, who will cast terror on the unwary (and sometimes even the wary) adventurer and follow it up with deadly curses. The presence is unique in that it is the only totally invisible creature in the known lands.
There is a climb south of the Tag range that will lead a higher level of the cliffs, which is home to some griffins. Higher still up the cliffs of Leng is the griffin's rookery, Here, the Guild of Sorcerers bred griffins to help with guarding the various portals and other outdoor areas. The griffins that live here are some of the most vicious to be found (except perhaps the lawful griffin of Axe-Glacier). Also on this level are many hobgoblins and fighters that have chosen to make their home in the wilderness. The fighters, known as berserkers are all members of the Lesser Ring and sworn to serve the Autocrat by ridding Leng of all outsiders.</div>

Revision as of 11:04, 13 May 2023

Leng Mausoleum
High above the level of Leng town lies the ruins of an even older city. The dark city was once the capital of Leng. Nowadays, this is where the Autocrat is believed to have centralised his power and the whole area is heavily defended. Roaming the main level of the dark city are many spell casters, members of the Lesser Ring who are fortunately blind in the darkness. On the other hand, there are also many undead wraiths that can see perfectly well in the darkness. These wraiths are said to be the remains of guild members, so evil that only their undead presence persists. Along a passage on the north side of the city are several skeletons and other undead that guard the entrance to the sand serpent's lair.

The base of the dark tower is in the centre of the old city. Many of the passages around the base of the tower are permanently covered in darkness, and only those that have night vision can see to make their way around. Inside the dark tower, there are numerous forces of chaos. Including the base, there are five levels to the tower each inhabited by progressively more fearsome beings. Many of these invisible unless they are standing next to you. At the very top of the tower lives (if that is an appropriate term given his lifestyle) the dreaded, blood sucking vampire. While it has never been confirmed, it is said that this vampire is, in fact, Vlad the Autocrat, although many doubt this, believing the Auto- crat to be an even more powerful being. With him are several powerful creatures including griffins, salamanders and liches, who act as his personal bodyguards. Taken as a whole, the dark tower may well be the most dangerous area in the known world. The vampire alone, can dispatch a medium warrior with a single death spell without the need of chanting, can strike with tooth and nail for similar damage, and is rumoured to be poisonous with his bite. He may only be harmed by silver weapons and a few magic spells. On the levels below the vampire, the forces of chaos gather in such numbers that even the strongest of adventurers can be engulfed without even striking a single blow.

On the east side of the city is a grand avenue that ends with a mausoleum to the north. Within the mausoleum is a statue that guards the crypts contained within (rumoured to contain the mortal remains of Vlad, though no one has ever found them). Also near the mausoleum is a presence of fear, who will cast terror on the unwary (and sometimes even the wary) adventurer and follow it up with deadly curses. The presence is unique in that it is the only totally invisible creature in the known lands.

There is a climb south of the Tag range that will lead a higher level of the cliffs, which is home to some griffins. Higher still up the cliffs of Leng is the griffin's rookery, Here, the Guild of Sorcerers bred griffins to help with guarding the various portals and other outdoor areas. The griffins that live here are some of the most vicious to be found (except perhaps the lawful griffin of Axe-Glacier). Also on this level are many hobgoblins and fighters that have chosen to make their home in the wilderness. The fighters, known as berserkers are all members of the Lesser Ring and sworn to serve the Autocrat by ridding Leng of all outsiders.