| <div>[[File:OakTown.png|thumb|The City in the Trees]]</div><div>The city in the trees is a vast expanse of walkways inter-linking the various shops and domiciles that are present there. The Sheriff keeps vigil in the area surrounding the temple and most of the Northern walkway, but does not go near the pawnshop or bank. This is of great value to the Thieves that reside within the town, as they can transact business without the constant sniping from the Sheriff's deadly longbow. The city is supported, from below, by several huge oaks. These are thought to be thousands of years old. In the city proper can be found many of the shops where the business of town is performed.<br><br>
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| The West end of town is primarily reserved for commerce where the jeweler, apothecary, pawnshop, weapons, and armor dealer can all be found, along with the bank and the lockers. The East end of town has the temple, the tanner, the tavern, the sage, and the climb up to the Wizard trainer and Confessor Ghost. The Bull and Falcon Tavern has long been a meeting place for the locals to exchange stories. Adventurers congregate there to set up expeditions or to unwind after a trip of eradication. Near the pawnshop lives the lower martial arts trainer. The main level of the temple is located in the town proper, and Tveckie will train advanced Thaumaturges in the ways of petitioning the Ghods for their powers. Along the main boulevard is a hut, which belongs to the martial artist Konran. Unfortunately, he is never home, but he will grant a gift to those who can help him find his way back home from the Troll Temple deep below the surface. Above the town level, in the upper level of the temple, the Confessor Ghost resides. From the upper level of the temple are two other climbs. One will lead to the advanced Wizard trainer and the other to a lookout position far up in the trees. In ages past, this was used to watch for enemies approaching the city, or to locate fires in the forest (which could be devastating.) Below the city, but still above the surface, the gym facilities are located, along with the weapons trainer, who will train those advanced students in the art of using the particular weapons.<br></div><br><br>
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