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Bottles of various brews and potions are to be found throughout the dungeons. Always check the contents of any found bottles before drinking; things are not always what they appear to be. Some of the potions below will may appear in a different kind of bottle.

Unimplemented After uncorking a bottle you can get an aroma/liquid description. There is also a separate graphic for a bottle's uncorked state.




"A clear glass bottle."
"A green glass bottle."
"A clear bottle made of yellowish glass."

Glass bottles may contain the following:
  • cloudy white liquid: healing potion.
  • clear liquid: water, poison, or nitro.
  • clear dark purple liquid: wine (slows poison to every 2 rounds).
  • clear red liquid: strength.
  • intensely yellow, almost orange liquid: orc urine.


"A black ceramic bottle."
"A clear liquid with a powerful odor."

The bottles may contain naptha (Bonfire) or nitro (Concussion)


"A clear glass bottle labeled 'Dr. Taylor's Snake Oil and Hair Tonic. Cures all ailments. 130 proof'."
"Inside you see a clear liquid."

Cures blindness, but stuns you at the same time.


"A pale-blue bottle streaked with white lines."
"Clear, jade colored liquid that smells of jasmine."

Restores stamina.


"A white porcelain bottle adorned with red lotus blossoms."
"Amber liquid that smells faintly of orange blossoms."

Restores mana.


"A reddish clay bottle with three black concentric circles painted on one side."
"Dark crimson liquid that smells of earth and mushrooms"

Permanently raises strength (up to 17).


"A black ceramic bottle with small gold whorls around its base."
"Cream white liquid with the strong odor of vanilla." - charisma
"Glistening silver fluid with the faint odor of mint." - dexterity

Permanently raises dexterity (Lich Twins) or charisma (Carfel) (up to 17).