Leng Waterfall Ledge

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Leng's Waterfall Ledge
High up the cliffs is a wild, mountainous area inhabited by many wild creatures roam the woods this level, including a tiger. Even the ducks have turned chaotic (well, if the drakes can do it, why not the ducks too?) though they are really more of a nuisance than anything else. As you arrive on the level to the east (following the Amber River from the falls) you will find Dong's hut. Dong is the high martial arts trainer, and will train only the most advanced martial artist in the ways of hand and foot while the lesser martial artist will receive a rebuke if he requests training. To the very far south is a hut, which contains the old knight trainer. He took to this very remote hiding place many years ago to avoid the attention of the townsfolk. Behind a secret door, wails lanta. She is the princess of Leng and an initiate wizard. She was captured a long time ago and locked up in a room on this level. Any that would lead her back to town (and the way is overloaded with peril) can expect to be well rewarded for their efforts.

On the far west part of the level is a small glacier, ending in a climb that leads to the cave of the drake. Long ago, when the lands were young and the brotherhood was still mighty, a drake was summoned in the province of Kesmai. This is the only time that one of the brother- hood's summonings was recorded as being successful. The brotherhood summoned the drake to rid the Island of Kesmai of the pirate base that had been stationed there. Once the drake was finished with the pirates, the brotherhood had him shipped over to Leng, where he went on a rampage, killing and eating many people (mostly virgins when he could find them). Finally sated, he looked around until he found a lair deep in the caverns at the very top of the cliffs. There, the drake summoned to him a vast array of minions to guard his area. Many minotaurs came and some of them brought manticore to assist them. A lich or two also answered the summons. Most of these guardians were set outside the inner chamber, though a few were allowed to enter into the drake's presence.