Underkingdom -100

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-100, or the Goblin Jungle, is a hunting ground in the Underkingdom. The denizens of this infested jungle include Goblins, Minotaurs, Orcs, and Trolls. The number of monsters with the relative size of the zone can lead to monsters piling on quite quickly, and inside those packs a lone Martial Artist goblin can sneak in unseen. Occasionally the Princess will be brought through this zone as part of the Permanent Mana Potion quest so be careful of burning her to a crisp.

Recommended Level


Notable Monsters

Ma gob.png

Goblin Martial Artist

Look out for lone goblins who wield no weapons. They are dangerous martial artists who can hit for upwards of 80 damage and frequently stun.

Caster goblins.png

Goblin Casters

Packs of four goblins here are dangerous casters. They cast Fireball, but more dangerously Magic Missile, a burst of which can deal massive damage coming from all four at once. They are immune to players fire spells as well as their own.

Notable Loot

Image Description Value
item-00176.png Whale gem
item-00062.png Tourmaline bar
Image Description Item Information
item-00053.png Glower Rings
item-00045.png Shielder Rings
item-00007.png Shield Bracelet Bracers
item-00029.png Fire / Ice protection Rings