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Barbarian | Leng | Hovath | Draznia | Illyria | Lemuria | Mu | Mnar

Mnar - land of roving herders. No central government.

they are organized into clans, based mostly on bloodlines.

when a matter affecting all clans must be decided, they hold an enclave with the chiefs and shamans of each.

a process that can take days - but to a Mnarian, it is only reasonable that any important decision should be well-thought, and long time in the making.

-an attitude that frustrates other races and would-be traders.

Illyria tried to advise a new govt structure to expidite important trade matters, and were banned. - Mnarians resent outside influence/interlopers.

Tall, blonde, green/grey eyes. think grey eyes confer stronger magic ability.

black eyed people = have the evil eye. (predisposed to not liking Lengians.)

prefer axe & shield - but noted warriors w any weapon.

all classes respresented - thieves gain much honor provided they don't steal from their own clan.

sorcerors -tolerated-

primarily fighting off predators to protect their herds.

placid lifestyle drives them for adventure in kesmai

primary exports:  dried meats, fine feathers.

only import grains and wine from Lemuria.

Starting Skills

Fighter Martial Artist Thaumaturge Wizard Thief
Bow Mediocre Mediocre Awkward
Dagger Awkward Capable
Greatsword (2H)
Hand Green Belt Yellow Belt
Mace Capable Mediocre Mediocre Mediocre
Magic Apprentice Apprentice Master of Mischief
Staff/Spear Capable Awkward
Sword Mediocre