18 Str Quest

From Stormhalter
Revision as of 04:41, 22 April 2024 by HaDeZs (talk | contribs)
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This quest is for those Knights that managed to not max their Strength stat at 18 during Character Creation. Strength Potions only raise your Str to 17. With Knights being the only class able to max their Str at 18, this quest helps people fix the problem.

Where to begin? Bloodlands

After taking the portal to the Bloodlands, you want to make your way South, and then East over the bridge to town.

Portal to Town.png

Once your in Town, you need to head over to the Gym located in the SW Corner of Town near the lockers and Talk to Restel.

Screenshot 2024-04-22 003606.png


Only knights get the bonus, but anyone can do it in this current version (0.84).