How to craft Keshma Weapons and Armors
How to Craft Weapons
In order to make Keshma weapons you must gather the base item which drops off of special mini-bosses on the surface. Keshma Base Items are identifiable based on their unique purple coloring (see example below). In addition to the base item you also need a two different ores. Once you have all three items. The base item, and both the ores. You must visit Hephaestus who can be found west by southwest of town. To craft the weapon, drop the base item and ores you collect and say "h, craft weapon".
Ore required to make weapons
Example of a Keshma base item used in making weapons
List of Mini-Bosses who drops Keshma base items
- Tragokk - drops Greatsword
- Gadrak - drops Morningstar
- Kruffk - drops Flail
- Slasher Kelgac - drops Staff
- Memp - Can drop (any?) kesh base weapon, caves south of Hephaestus
Grulk- drops Mace
- War Bear - drops Hammer
Draff drops Longsword - (NW area in the grass field)
Sir Gub Dub drops Rapier - (south area in frog marsh)
Gooko drops Gauntlets - (south area in frog marsh, go upstairs)
Gubba drops Staff - (south area in frog marsh, go upstairs)
Bullywog Thief drops Dagger - (south area in frog marsh, go upstairs)
Gibble drops Halberd - (south area in frog marsh, go upstairs)
How to Craft Armor
Three items are needed to make Keshma armors
1. A mold that drops off Sir Gub Gub
2. A piece of sheet metal that drops off Scout Master Kaglav
3. A gold cloth that drops off of the Gargantuan Tree Spider
- Cheif Smuggla also has a chance to drop all 3 armor items
Once all three items are obtained you must visit Hephaestus who can be found west by southwest of town. Hephaestus can craft 3 different armors (light, medium, and heavy). To craft the armor, drop the items on the ground and say "h, craft (weight)armor". For example, "h, craft heavyarmor".
How to upgrade weapons and armor
To upgrade a weapon or armor you must collect an upgrade gem (see: Upgrade Gems). Once you have an upgrade gem of the appropriate quality, take it to Hephaestus with the item you wish to upgrade. Put both items on the ground and say "h, craft upgrade".
How to use non-Keshma weapons in Keshma
Beyond the surface level of Keshma, non-Keshma weapons do little damage to enemies. However, you can add a Keshma coating to non-Keshma weapons which will make these weapons work on Keshma enemies again. To coat a weapon you must bring you the two previously mentioned ores, the weapon of interest, and a completed portal gem (crafted at vinz) to Hephaestus and type the command "h, craft keshcoating". You must then have that particular portalgem in your bag to use the keshcoating and it only works with that particular weapon. Switching portal gems or weapons will return you to "little" damage until you have the proper portal gem paired with the correct weapon. There is currently no indication on the portal gem stating which weapon it is tied to. NOTE: At the time of this writing, this system was only 1 day old and still being tested, so expect changes.