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Lemurian Homeland (Alpha)

Barbarian | Leng | Hovath | Draznia | Illyria | Lemuria | Mu | Mnar

Lemuria - A commonwealth.

elected council of equals.

political philosophy = "Do as little as possible."

The goodness, and hospitality of the people make this work - and is renowned throughout the realms.

wizards, fighters, thaums prolific, thieves are rare.

broadswords, and polearms for ceremonies.

knights of Lemuria are famous for their expertise, and have protected the council successfully for a century.

remain ever-vigilant as disputes between the council and High priest of Hovath surfaced. (Over the protection of Hovathian refugees - deemed heretical, slated for execution in Hovath.)

Love bright colors - and lots of them.

primary export is a potent wine of a deep purple color, made from the berries of a ground-hugging thorned vine. The wine of Lemuria is valued everywhere, and there are a number of Wizards who declare that two glasses of it beforehand will vastly improve a spell. Of course, there are other Wizards who declare that two glasses of Lemurian wine is more than enough to make one think that one's spells have improved. As might be expected

(High Priest of Hovath deems it sinful and severs the nose of those caught drinking it.)

Illicit trade (smuggling) rakes in profits.

Vinyards, fruit trees (orchards)

Although generally law-abiding, the average Lemurian's opinion of the High Priest is such that smuggling wine into Hovath is a favorite adventure, second only to venturing into the dungeons of Kesmai for the fancy gems.

Starting Skills

Fighter Martial Artist Thaumaturge Wizard Thief
Dagger Awkward Awkward Awkward Capable
Greatsword (2H)
Halberd Capable
Hand Green Belt Yellow Belt
Mace Awkward
Magic Apprentice Apprentice Master of Mischief
Shuriken Mediocre
Staff/Spear Awkward
Sword Capable Mediocre Mediocre Mediocre