Giant's Castle

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Many years ago, the great demon Asmodeus built a huge castle in Axe-Glacier and the

entrance to this castle can be found on the 60 foot level. The immense beauty and magical flying buttresses give an unearthly quality to the castle, and even having been built by the great demon lord, it still has something of a graceful beauty. Years after the castle was built, and Asmodeus was banished from the realm, Poraph, the father of giants, claimed the castle as his own. His descendants still rule the land from within the castle. Around the castle are many of his minions, who are skilled with axe, dagger, and hand. Some are even well versed in the magical arts. Within the castle are more of his minions. The entrance to the castle is a one way portal and the person desiring entry must hold an axe in his hand.

To the south of the castle is another cavern structure. Many wolves wander the caverns, along with hobgoblins, wraiths, spectres, ogres, and rockwyrms. Some of the lesser creatures also wander the caverns as well. Deep within the caverns is a stairway that leads to the 80 foot level. The entire east side of the area is an immense glacier, left over from when the river that flowed from the top of the mountain down was instantly frozen by whatever power chose to punish this land. Few creatures live on the ice itself, though you might find an occasional lizard wandering the area.