Leng Surface

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Leng town lies on the western side of a great rift. It is a peaceful haven in a land of turmoil, only because the Autocrat chooses to leave it that way. In the town you will find many of the familiar shops, with the wizard's hut being central in the town. The Wizard, Derf, nicknamed 'Crazy' (he isn't really crazy - just somewhat backward), is probably one of the most renowned in the land, and it is he who trains the most talented of wizards. In the south-west corner of town is a small throne room. The Queen of Leng (though she is Queen in name only) sits there, and bemoans the loss of her daughter, lanta. She offers great reward to the person who can locate and bring lanta back to the throne room.

The town also houses a bank, pawnshop and weapons trainer as well as the usual outlets. You will not find a priest or a thaumaturge here however. So great is the Autocrats hatred for the Grand Order of Thaumaturges, that these have been forced to take refuge in an underground temple on the east side of the rift, at the north end of the desert. In a garden atop the gym, the sage and Puck reside. Puck is a ninja of old, and if any martial artist who is worthy were to approach Puck and offer the correct items, he will bestow to that martial arts gauntlets of great power.

Because the Autocrat has generally ignored the town area, its vicinity has become home to some vicious creatures. Sandwyrms, hyenas, and manticorae roam the desert plains outside of the city walls. Sandstorms constantly move across the plains and pose a great threat to life and limb. A great troll guards the bridge over the rift east of town. A centaur archer, deadly in accuracy, patrols the area outside of the city walls. The plain is not a safe place for the unwary traveller. The graveyard is located south of town, behind a great wall. An adventurer may journey here to have access to the Underworld via a portal that is located within the graveyard. South of town, outside the city gates, is the locker vault, and across the sand, is the Dink Blam Cafe. It is said that the original proprietor met an untimely demise by uttering the phrase 'Dink Blam and Dorp it. No one ever understood the meaning of that phrase, except maybe a few old-timers, but the name of the cafe was changed to the Dink Blam as a result of this utterance.

The tanner has set up shop west of town on the desert fringe. Also west of town is a shimmering veil. If one holds a red gem with a pulsing core (many are found on sandwyrms, and have been referred to at times as the sandwyrm's heart.) one may access the hidden room that that lies behind.

In the far north-east corner of the plains is a pit which leads down to the hidden temple. The thaumaturge trainer there is also among the best to be found, the fact of his survival is a testimony of that fact. The confessor ghost may also be found in the temple.