Leng Griffon Cliffs

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Leng's Griffon Cliffs
The Leng chapter of the thieves guild keeps its headquarters on this level. The fact that Leng thieves are tough is due in part to the fact that they must be able to survive the journey to and from the guild. It is known that while much of the modern thief magic was stolen, there was once a legendary thief, Lurkio, who was also a great wizard. It was he who developed the hide spell that all thieves treasure. He also set about duplicating the shimmering portal of Leng within the thieves guild and it still functions today. Any brave thief may enter the ninja lair though that portal, using the same round red gem as a key. Not many thieves choose to venture that way as the rewards are few (or at least unusable) and the dangers many. Non thieves who attempt to enter the guild will find themselves unceremoniously deposited in the river that flows behind it. Many is the reincarnated, unarmed thief who lured his would-be killers towards the guild entrance and then, they having been drowned, made a clean getaway.

The north and east of the main plains area is a 100 foot cliff that leads to the cave of the Leng dragon. Kosh is much tougher than Daisy, being able to take many more hits before falling. Also, he hits much harder than Daisy, and only the most stout of adventurers even consider going there. Kosh requires a blue-glowing weapon of some sort or very strong magic spells in order to even penetrate his hide.

From Grim's Folly, if you follow the Amber River east, you will find another climb to the highest level of the cliffs. On this level are many air drops that lead to the dungeon complex of Leng. Also following the cavern passage on the southern part of the level will eventually lead to a stairway which was the original entrance to the dungeons. The dungeons of Leng! One need only mention the name to bring a feeling of dread to most adventurers who have visited there. The dungeons are swarming with the creatures of chaos, including many of the more powerful undead. There is a powerful wyrm that wanders the area. There are even undead casters in the dungeons that have, over the years, learned how to deal with thieves by not automatically retreating to cast their spells, but instead casting them up close. Many treasures may be found within the dungeons, from simple gold and valuable gems, to potions

that will restore mana to wizards. Drake potions may be found here, and many of the more exotic treasures are just waiting for an adventurer to come and claim them (if they dare).