Beginner's Roadmap to Kesmai

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Welcome Aboard!

This guide is a work in progress and will continue to evolve over time. (please be patient)

This page is going to be geared mostly towards guiding a new player through the first dozen levels or so of their Kesmai adventures. I won't be covering any particular section in great detail, but this page will make good 'cliff's notes' on how to get going in the game.


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Character Creation

(For specifics please visit the Creating your Character Page)

I don't aim to steal the thunder from the 'Creating your Character' page linked above, but there's a few key things that need to be covered in general. So here we go:

  1. You need at least 15 dexterity and 15 strength or your character will be very weak down the road.
  2. If you are a caster you should try your best to start with 18 Intelligence (Wizards and Thieves) or 18 Wisdom (Thaumaturges) or you will roll poorly on mana/spell points as you level.
  3. It's also advantageous to max out your constitution at 18 so you can get the best hit-point rolls possible as you level.
  4. Dump the rest into Willpower! Willpower helps your character resist magical spells, slip less on the ice, trick monsters with illusions, etc etc etc. Not the most important stat, but it's good to have.
  5. All of the above can be repaired with potions and quest with the exception of #1. Make sure you start with at least 15 strength and dexterity.
  6. Picking your race is mostly cosmetic, don't fret too much about starting skills.


For details: Please see Facet Speeds and Gains. But in short, each facet has different attributes and bonuses. Agate has 3 second round timers and feels more like traditional Legends of Kesmai. All the other facets have faster round speeds and perks that come with it. Leveling will be much faster, and the game more exciting and full of adventure if you experiment in the faster facets. There's nothing wrong with getting comfortable with the game on Agate though!

So you're sitting all one on the docks....

Welcome to Kesmai town! You start in the south of the village on the docks, a freshly minted dock baby ready to explore the world of Stormhalter. You will start the game with beginner weapons based on the class you chose and the race you selected during character creation. If you already know what type of weapons you would like to use feel free to ditch all these starting weapons and trudge forth into the dungeon. If you're not sure though here are some general highlights on weapons classes and the weapons that are easy to start with.

Early game skill choices

Fighter (Future Knights)

Generally, any weapon goes on a fighter and you are free to choose whatever type of weapon you want. However, there are certain skills that progress a little easier for new players.

  1. Mace Skill
    • Provides good defense, especially when used with a shield
    • All of the easy to get ranged weapons are mace weapons
    • Quick weapon progression
    • Notable early weapons: Trog Mace, Returning Hammer, Returning Axe
  2. Greatsword Skill
    • Best blocking of the starter weapons
    • Required skill to hurt 'Mama' the mother of Dragons sought after for her scales which can be crafted into some of finest armor in the game.
    • Grants access to the most powerful of the early game weapons: The Black Broadsword and the Silver Great Axe.


While the game allows any class to use any weapon, Wizards generally want to stick to weapons that provide a high amount of defense since they use their spells to destroy their enemies.

  1. Staff Skill
    • Best blocking weapons in the game
    • Quick weapon progression
    • Ultimately leads to a very powerful mid-game staff that provides very high defense and mana/spell point regeneration
    • Notable early weapons: Minotaur Staff, Ram Staff
  2. Mace Skill
    • On a wizard it's handy to have a ranged weapon that can help you finish off distance weakened enemies, mace will fill this niche!
    • Provides good defense, especially when used with a shield
    • All of the easy to get ranged weapons are mace weapons
    • Quick weapon progression
    • Notable early weapons: Trog Mace, Returning Hammer, Returning Axe


If fighters are all the way melee and wizards are all the way caster, then Thaumaturges would be somewhere in the middle. Don't get me wrong, they have very powerful spells that can heal their team mates and even raise them from the dead... but if they use magic to kill everything they will quickly find themselves out of mana!