Magic User Gear

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A number of new items exist to help magic users scale at higher levels.

From Blackburrow:

Wizard hat is 15% incoming magic damage reduction at common and goes like 2-3% per quality level. Drops from Al'Kabor beyond the mummies in -200.

Mage gauntlets give increased critical spell damage. Drops from Al'Kabor beyond the mummies in -200.

Spell rings give crit chance % and critical damage bonus. Crafted by Destiny in BB lockers from gems dropped by Al'Kabor and Thutmose in -200.

HP amulet gives 6 hp per quality. Drops from Undead Dragon.

From Bloodlands:

Book gives increased magic damage % at 3% per quality. Crafted by Marrow with a scarf and something? Upgrades?

Scepter gives increased magic damage % at 3% per quality. Drops from The Queen. Can be upgraded by Marrow with quality vials.

Griffin shield gives 3% incoming magic reduction per quality level. Drops from The King. Can be upgraded by Marrow with quality vials.

From Annwn:

Power bracelet is 6-9% damage increase per bracelet. Drops from Ydmos.

From Peaks:

Wands increase magic damage, no idea what else/scaling.

Magpyr scales give increased magic damage, not sure on the scaling.