
From Stormhalter
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Using more modern nomenclature a Facet is a separate instance of the game, meaning that the game is the same in every Facet. All the maps are the same. Your locker will still contain all your gear. The bank will still have your money. The monsters you fight will be the same. A quest started in one facet, can be completed in a different facet. Facets were originally introduced into LOK as a way of allowing more players to play the game. With mob populations static, as more players joined the fewer things there were to hunt. Stormhalter's take on facets is a little bit different in that in addition to being a separate instance of the game the facets also run on different round timers and have different XP and Skill multipliers (see: Facet Speeds and Gains). Generally, this community plays on Opal due to its faster speed and higher multipliers, making for faster gameplay. Facets are most often used for hunting lair mobs. If a player is hunting a specific lair mob, they may switch facets in order to kill it multiple times.