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Level 18 knight and Wiki editor. 3 skills at Expert.

My Global Macro File

aa = "all, attack "

abg = "all, begone"

ad = "all, down"

af = "all, follow"

app = "[1], appraise"

adc = "all, drop coins"

adct = "all, drop coins on table"

adcc = "all, drop coins on counter"

atc = "all, take coins"

atcc = "all, take coins from counter"

atct = "all, take coins from table"

au = "all, up"

bal = "[1], show balance"

bba = "[1], buy all"

ca = "cast at "

cc = "cast cure"

cca = "cast cure at "

cla = "cast locate at "

cpa = "c peek at "

crt = "[1], critique [2] skill"

dac = "dump amulets on counter"

db = "dump bottles"

dc = "dump coins"

dcc = "dump coins on counter"

dct = "dump coins on table"

dbc = "dump bottles on counter"

dep = "[1], deposit"

dgc = "dump gems on counter"

drc = "dump rings on counter"

pc = "party create "

pj = "party join "

ta = "throw axe"

tc = "take coins"

tcc = "take coins from counter"

tct = "take coins from table"

tha = "throw hammer at "

tea = "[1], teach"

tr = "[1], train"

tsa = "throw shuriken at "

wd = "[1], withdraw [2]"