Bloodlands Surface Town
From Stormhalter
One of the few safe havens in the Bloodlands.
Connected Areas
Recommended Protections
Water Breathing, Death, Stun
Expected Enemy Pack(s)
- (2x) Orc - Archer
- (1x) Lich - Caster
- (3x) Kobold - Melee
- (2x) Orc - Melee
- (1x) Hobgoblin - Melee
- (2x) Piranha - Melee
Mini Bosses
- (1x) Kobold - Melee
General Notes
- There are invisible Death casting Liches on the West side before the boss room (The 2 fire hexes). Move to the right hand side quickly to avoid being casted on by them.
- During the fight with Urgnah don't panic if some of the Kobold's seem tough. There are a few individual Kobolds stronger then the rest.
- If you are struggling to get down the hole in Urgnah's room; utilize the Down command instead of the Climb Down.
- Jumping down the hole will prevent Urgnah from following you, but his monsters will still follow!