Keep of Darkness -100
From Stormhalter
The first floor of the keep of Darkness. You can reach this area by dropping down the air hexes up above in the Bloodlands Surface and taking the stairs.
Upon arriving on this floor you will find monsters are similar in strength to those found in Kobold Dungeon. The key difference here is the sneaky undead running around casting spells (Death, Curse). Be wary of the kobold dou packs - they pack a punch.
If you are searching for Jormin, you will need to take a teleporter in the norther part of the map (right next to the stairs). Its hidden behind a skeleton wall.
Connected Areas
Recommended Protections
Death, Poison
Expected Enemy Pack(s)
- (2x-3x) Banshee - Caster/Melee
- (1x) Ghoul - Melee
- (3x) Hobgoblin - Melee
- (4x) Kobold - Melee
- (1x) Lich - Caster/Melee
- (1x) Lurker - Melee
- (1x) mummy - Melee
- (1x) Orc - Archer
- (2x) Skeleton - Melee
- (??) Wraith - ??
Mini Bosses
- (2x) Kobold - Melee
General Notes
- Getting into the Keep of Darkness seems a lot more intimidating then it is. Dont be afraid to try this floor out once you've survived the Kobold Dungeon.