
From Stormhalter
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Client/Server v0.2


  1. It's now possible to look at the ground between actions.
  2. Trainers will now recognize attempts at training the hand skill.
  3. Between actions, item lift is now considered valid to prepare for a drop.
  4. Skeletons no longer have corpses.
  5. Wyverns on Kesmai -1 will no longer flee.
  6. Increased the sound delay between a swing and damage cue.
  7. Lars and Sven will recognize their service counters.
  8. Fizzle sounds will now play properly for spell sequence.
  9. Resolved incorrect sounds playing.
  10. Spellbooks are now properly bound when starting.
  11. Round will unlock after attempting to attack an invalid target.
  12. Ruins will now interrupt movement.
  13. Trainers will now properly critique your progress.
  14. Mana will be properly consumed when failing spells.


  1. Client version verification to notify user of client updates.
  2. [Sandbox] Implement command - setskill {skillName} {0-19}
  3. [Sandbox] Go, Where command - go {x} {y} {regionId}
  4. Tiles naturally covered in darkness until dispelled.
  5. Changed encryption library parameters.

Stormhalter v0.3

  1. Changed compression library for smaller patch generation.
  2. A crash related to Summon Rat.
  3. Summon Rat spell did not properly transfer control to the caster.
  4. Magic skill gain.
  5. Poison cloud and Whirldwind will not pass through closed doors.
  6. Enchant and Venom will persist between server restarts.
  7. Ice/Fire breath have audio cues. Reduced sounds played for similar effects.
  8. Fixed a crash related to damage ticks after Fire/Ice are dispelled.
  9. Shield spell now has the same audio cue as other protection spells.
  10. Icestorm Spell did not place when cast with power level 1.
  11. Protection from Fire/Ice no longer causes an infinite round.
  12. Chant sounds for NPC entities
  13. Dropping item from one container to another, where an item exists, will drop the item to the next free slot.

Stormhalter v0.4

  1. Skills can be critiqued from any distance.
  2. Reduced respawn time and increased random diversity on Kesmai -1.
  3. Reduced respawn time and increased random diversity on Surface.
  4. Caster AI melee attacks and combat messages.
  5. A crash related to area of effect spells.
  6. Jumpkicks will no longer land after suffering a sprain.
  7. Summon rat sound and body perception.
  8. Caster and Ranged AI will maintain distance from an attacker.


  1. Swap command to switch item from occupied hand to a free hand.
  2. Wield command to switch item from the belt to a free hand.
  3. Belt command to switch items from your hand to a free slot.
  4. [Sandbox] Heal command: Raises health, stamina, and mana to max.
  5. Game version will now display on the login screen.

Stormhalter v0.5

  1. Phantoms are properly summoned for spell power 1-5.
  2. Summoned creatures will now respond to move commands (creature, move x x x)
  3. An issue where departing clients were not properly removed from the segment.
  4. Lightning will now properly stun targets.
  5. Trainers will prevent you from logging out on their locations.
  6. Recall rings can not be equipped where exiting is not possible.
  7. Thunderclap from recalls will play properly at the destination.
  8. [Sandbox] Added debug messages for skill gain and combat.


  1. Wizard's Eye for Wizards.
  2. Entities can have colored bodies. Could be used as a mechanic to indicate creature status (enraged, pacified, stunned, etc.).

Stormhalter v0.6

  1. Portals will cause damage when dispelled.
  2. Destroyed walls no longer block LOS.
  3. Swinging or throwing a projectile weapon results in little damage.
  4. Items are positioned randomly when all slots are occupied.
  5. Input will pass through items and container slots as needed.
  6. Spell icon for Stun/Death protection status.
  7. Items could not be equipped into the last portrait slot.
  8. Sounds for summoned Phantom, Djinn, and Efreets.
  9. Limited total summons from Summon Phantasm to 3.
  10. Removed corpses from phantasms.
  11. Thieves no longer have access to Darkness (1).
  12. Skill levels were rounded to integers when critiquing.
  13. Corrected certain item labels.


  1. Prevented exit while feared, stunned, or blind.

Stormhalter v0.7

  1. Reworked poison cloud, it should properly blind and apply poison ticks.
  2. Gems have been marked as a treasure and will not be removed by Disintegrate.
  3. Status effects from equipment will refresh after server restart.
  4. Added a slight delay to death sounds following fatal blow.
  5. Trainers will appropriately tell you when you are below your potential skill.
  6. Trainers will now use your achieved skill for training, not current.
  7. Moving items may not always consume a round, especially in same container.
  8. Moving items within your hands and world will always consume a round.
  9. Container slots will respond to double clicks outside of the item sprite.
  10. Right clicks with an active target will now cancel the target.
  11. Right clicks will cancel any paths with priority over cancelling targets.
  12. Adjusted maximum creatures on Kesmai -1 from 48 to 60.
  13. Followers will be dispelled when reaching a limit.
  14. Cannot summon followers past the intended limit after relogging.
  15. Resolved an issue with Summon Phantasm where spell intensity reset to 1, 5.
  16. Throwable items would clear the round, allowing instant throws.
  17. Fire will burn corpses to a cinder.
  18. Creatures will move onto hexes with portal effects.
  19. Floors will generate properly under walls that are destructible.
  20. Followers will now also respond to "#, (command)" directives.
  21. Added a "release" directive to followers, similar to "begone".
  22. Secret doors will have the appropriate destruction terrain.
  23. Adjusted the intensity/range of Concussion spell.
  24. CasterAI will now melee the target when enough mana is not available.
  25. Additional sprites will be rendered under the player.


  1. Nock/Unnock commands for projectile weapons.
  2. Mana regeneration provided by robes.

Stormhalter v0.8

  1. Server-side and Client-side replay functionality.

Stormhalter v0.9

  1. Crash related to items stacking. Item stacking will always consume a round.
  2. All container panels will reset when rewinding replay.
  3. Exit button to replay frame, returning back to login window.
  4. Interactions with items are only valid if on the same location.
  5. Spell sequence will properly reset only after all fizzle checks are complete.
  6. Venom will now prioritize right -> left -> target when using "cast" command.
  7. Jumpkick will now account for encumbrance.
  8. CasterAI will finish their cast after target moves into melee range.

Stormhalter v0.10

  1. Entities that can fly are not affected by water.
  2. Entities that can swim may drown, but entities that can fly will not.
  3. Spawns were not randomizing properly.
  4. Item descriptions were not properly localized.
  5. Improved CombatAI spell selection, priority, and cooldowns.
  6. Respawns were not triggering properly.
  7. Fixed inclusion/exclusion calculations for spawn areas.
  8. Various LOS/Visibility issues with darkness.
  9. Round lock after emote and action command.
  10. Items may be inspected from a distance <= 1.
  11. Creatures will now regen mana, stamina, and health.
  12. Creatures have learned how to better use blind/fear/stun spell.
  13. Incorrect weapon sound when swinging projectile weapons.


  1. Networking protocol version to allow for future modification without breaking replays.
  2. Message for when spell buffs have worn off from a spell source.
  3. A tailor has relocated to provide armors, scales, and jackets.
  4. Chainmail and Platemail will now block spell casts.

Stormhalter v0.11


Added: An option to record gameplay in the settings window.

Added: An option to set the client to render fullsceen.

Added: An exit button to the conference window.

Fixed: Closed doors will have slightly higher priority over walls.

Fixed: When resurrected, two lowest skills were penalized rather than highest.

Fixed: Spell effects on the map will not trigger on dead entities.

Fixed: Blind, Stun, Fear, and Poison will properly reset when resurrected.

Fixed: Poison Cloud & Whirlwind will now ALWAYS choose the last direction as cast direction.

            Case: E E S with E E not visible, effectively centered on E with south direction.

            Case: E E S with E E S not visible, effectively centered on E E with south direction.

            Case: E E S, effectively centered on E E S with south direction.

Added: Poison Cloud is now semi-transparent.

Fixed: Infinite round lock when entity was not available from "fight" command.

Fixed: Item drag can be initiated from transparent areas of the slot.

Added: A "help" command to list out available conference/world commands. Some commands are experimental.

Fixed: An issue where stun messages were not properly communicated.

Fixed: A targetting by command issue that would not resolve a name target.

Fixed: Cases where failed "cast" commands would cause round locking.

            If you come across cases, let me know what command you used.

Fixed: Beneficial target for mobiles may now be used on the paperdoll button.

Fixed: Health states updated only when damage was dealt, it will update for health healed.

Fixed: Resolved regeneration not resetting properly after resurrection.

Added: [Sandbox] Gold command: create a specified amount of gold, defaults to 1000 if unspecified.

Fixed: An issue where BaseDodge provided two instances of benefit, overshadowing other defense sources.

Fixed: Staircases that worked within the same segment region.


[7:29 PM]

Major thanks to Ezeek DoomIhlVaria, Mesn, and Slyster for these reports.

May 30, 2019

Lux — 05/30/2019

Stormhalter v0.12


Thanks to Mortezzah, DoomIhlVaria for these reports.

Added: Command alias F for Fight, D for Down, U for Up, C for Cast

            Please create an issue if others should be available.

Added: Creatures under control may also be issued move commands without the "move" directive.

            Example: creature, move E E S

            Example: creature, E E S

            Example: creature, E E M    (invalid paths are ignored and must be reissued)

Added: Commands of the form "(target),[ ](directive)" will now be converted to speech

            This allows creatures to be controlled through the command or speech mode.

Added: A path can be entered in command mode with out the "move" directive.

            Example: move E E E

            Example: E E E

            Example: E E M                 (invalid paths are ignored and must be reissued)

Fixed: Normal doors will never automatically close, but Secret doors will close after 1 minute.

Fixed: Pathing on the world map will be cleared only if the map shifts.

Fixed: Infinite round lock related to an invalid "climb down" command.

Fixed: Reef is now properly tagged as an obstruction.

Fixed: An issue where sound did not play when nocking a bow through a command.

Fixed: An issue where clients were not properly removed from peeked entities.

Fixed: Players may no longer exit the world while under a trance.

Added: The sheriff has driven out the Thief.Merchant and instead hired a powerful conjurer.

            She can be found in the lockers conjuring all types of treasures.

       The sheriff also confiscated all the thief bags.


May 31, 2019

Lux — 05/31/2019

Stormhalter v0.13


Fixed: An issue where treasure in water was always visible and did not update properly.

Fixed: Blind Resistance ring accidently showed the incorrect icon.

Fixed: Check the conjurer for additional items that were not yet implemented.

Fixed: Adjusted starting attributes for classes to match with Lands of Kes.

Fixed: Summoned Phantoms, Djinns, and Efreets have all had movement adjused to 3.

Added: A new directive: "trail", similar to "follow," except entities will stop 1 step short.

Fixed: CombatAI was unable to instant cast spells and could be fizzled.

Added: Summon Phantasm at intensity 8 will summon Salamanders. They can not be commanded to attack.


Lux — 05/31/2019

Stormhalter v0.14


Thanks to Danlor, Slyster, and dedmist for reporting these issues.

Fixed: Mana did not roll correctly after leveling up.

Fixed: Constitution Potions did not properly increase current constitution.

Fixed: Bear, Griffin, and Dragon skulls always provide night vision. Winged helms might.

Fixed: Stormhalter is now properly labelled as 'staff' rather than 'dagger'

Fixed: Spell icon for Poison Protection provided by amulets.

Added: Conjurer will spawn a few additional items for testing purposes.

Fixed: CombatAI will no longer stare at combatants in the water.

Added: CombatAI will have aversion to fire and ice spell effects.

Added: The input will change colors during command mode when the round is available.

Added: A new facet has been added, Opal, a gemstone rumored by some to bring bad luck. The

        round timer in this facet is 1 second, because who wants to still wait 3 seconds

        to play a game. We're not on 28.8k baud anymore.


June 3, 2019

Lux — 06/03/2019

Stormhalter v0.15


Thanks to Zrikz, Slyster, Danlor, and Mantis for these reports.

Fixed: Spell status panel did not properly display arrows to scroll.

Fixed: Creatures that can fly will now fly silently over water.

Added: Black Rapier and Hummingbird sword added for testing.

Fixed: Potentially, an issue related to creatures with gray health indicators showing up.

Fixed: Rewrote logic for drag/drop of items. Only the world panel requires that input be over the sprite.

Added: CombatAI will now search corpses and loot treasure as they wander.

Fixed: Various LOS issues related to darkness and/or corpses (gray health NPCs).

Added: A free hand is no longer required to "swap" items in your hands.

Fixed: All items with weapon attributes will properly use their flags (blue-glow, etc.)

Fixed: Cases where non-traditional weapons (gauntlets), were not considered weapons.

Fixed: Weapons may provide mana regen when held in the right hand (Stormhalter).

Added: The enter key will trigger with repetition when held down.

Added: Keyboard input repetition will occur every 50ms (was 100 ms).

Fixed: When entering the game, the world input will start in command mode.


[1:15 PM]

Fixed: Certain altars were not tagged properly.

Fixed: Crash related to spells and non-existant tiles.

Fixed: Darkness fields that can not be dispelled will work similar to a floor (allows pathing).

Fixed: Whirlwind will now dispel out fire/poison cloud.

Fixed: Static fire effects on the map act similarly to spell effects.

Fixed: Corner walls and pillars near indestructible walls are also indestructible.

Fixed: Attributes now have inborn min/max, and live max.

            (You'll have to remake your characters for fixed limits, sorry!)

Fixed: When strength is a sacrifice to recieve resurrection from the ghods, max strength

       above 17 is also a sacrifice.

June 4, 2019

Lux — 06/04/2019

Stormhalter v0.16


Thanks for Ezeek, Slyster, Zrikz and Danlor for these reports

Fixed: Item would visually disappear if dropped during an an inactive round.

Fixed: Items in containers are deleted when the parent is deleted, only if the parent is a player.

Fixed: Issue with CombatAI looping when the opponent could not be found.

Added: [Sandbox] Added command "ShowSkills" to give a display with point values.

            This command can be used to confirm you are gaining skill.

            There is a currently a low amount of skill being awarded for untrained.

Added: Support for color and alpha blended terrain communicated by the server.

Fixed: Shafts will be properly converted (not as stairs). Be warned, you can not climb them down.

            They are strictly one-way, unless you find a rope below.

Fixed: Creature will now only search corpses of players, not every corpse.

Fixed: Creature will only loot items that can not bind.

Added: Weapons will now describe your profiency in their respective skill.

Fixed: Sky drops will now tell you the distance.

Fixed: Double benefit of blocks for specific types of creatures (wyverns, etc.)


June 6, 2019

Lux — 06/06/2019

Stormhalter v0.17


Thanks to Zrikz and Slyster for these reports.

Fixed: "Miss" messages were not being displayed after previous fix of double block benefit.

Added: +1 and +2 dexterity rings. Ring may provide a maximum of +2 dexterity.

Added: The conjurer seems to have discovered an experimental robe. Maybe a thief knows it's use?

Fixed: When using the "up" or "down" keys, the text caret will be placed at the end of input.

Fixed: The lockers will properly display items that are stored.

Fixed: Creatures would continue to maintain and attack their target, even if disconnected.

Fixed: Health bar would not display if entering the world with 100 health.

Fixed: The world would update twice for each movement.

Fixed: CombatAI will attack targets that are nearby when their immediate target is out of range.

Fixed: Summoned phantasms have learned to float above the water.

Fixed: Griffin jacket could not be worn as a robe.

Added: [Sandbox] "goname (name)" - You will be taken to an entity that matches the specified name.

                    Example: goname bear, goname sk

Added: [Sandbox] "invis" - You will be invisible to everything around you.

Added: [Sandbox] "invul" - You are invulnerable to all damage.

Added: [Sandbox] "respawn" - triggers a respawns on the segment you are in.

Added: You will earn full skill gain for all attacks except "little damage."

Added: Sound effect cues when pathing.

Added: Clicking on the center tile of the map will clear your path.

Fixed: It is not possible to portal through indestructible walls.


June 9, 2019

Lux — 06/09/2019

Stormhalter v0.18


Fixed: A crash case if someone were to go out of the map bounds.

Added: Skill gains from sucessful attacks are increased by 4x in Agate and Beryl.

Added: Magic gains are similarly increased on successful cast as above.

Added: Certain creatures are able to charge their opponents.

Fixed: Spectres often appeared as creatures with gray health.

Fixed: Creatures will no longer get stuck wandering.

Fixed: Spawns will properly reset and respawn.

Fixed: A client crash related to "invis" and returning from a trance.

Added: A issues/suggestion bot to Discord, please use !help for a command list.


Lux — 06/09/2019

Stormhalter v0.19


Fixed: Certain NPCs out of LOS were visible after moving.

Fixed: Thieves are no longer revealed after being hit by Blind, Fear, or Stun.

Fixed: Sprites did not load their default hue properly.

Fixed: Throwing a returning item from your belt will move it to your free hand.

Fixed: Round would clear when casting and instantly targetting venom.

Fixed: Entity alignments will display and update properly on creature list.

Fixed: Creatures are no longer afraid to step on ice/fire if they have significant protection.

Fixed: Salamanders have learned to cast spells even when enemies are next to them.

Fixed: Peacekeepers and Vendors will no longer loot gold without providing a service.

Fixed: Logout requests after combat changed to 24 seconds.

Fixed: Adjusted the elevations of Kesmai regions.


June 10, 2019

Lux — 06/10/2019

Stormhalter v0.20


Fixed: Visibility in dungeon is no longer affected by the light cycle.

Fixed: Summoned Phantasms would be culled in an invalid order.

Added: [Discord] !missing as a way to create an issue about a missing feature.

Fixed: Added missing death sound to Shark, Piranha, and Salamander.

Fixed: Creature groups will move with much more timely precision.

Added: It is not recommended for non-thieves to enter a thief guild area.

Added: Light and lunar phase indicators on the spell panel.

Fixed: Naptha and Nitro did not produce their intended effects.

Added: A message for distance fallen.

Fixed: Shopkeepers will affirm their purchase.

Fixed: Gold can now be referenced as "gold", "coin" or "coins"

Fixed: All poisons will properly stack and deal damage.


June 11, 2019

Lux — 06/11/2019

Stormhalter v0.21


Fixed: Dropping items non-specifically into belt and rings containers will place them into an available slot.

Fixed: Take command caused a crash when attempting to use "counter" when none were present.

            Please keep in mind there is a difference between "counter" and "altar/table"

Added: Trog

Added: Daisy - She's been taught how to cast her spells properly. In the future, she'll learn how to time them.

                    She might even learn how to prone you into her fire for maximum damage.

Fixed: Whirlwind will always cast with strength of at least 1.


June 14, 2019

Lux — 06/14/2019

Stormhalter v0.22


Added: An hourly backup system for world saves.

Fixed: Removing a Recall Ring that was inactive would leave a graphical artifact in the ring slots.

Added: Improved the tick rate for processing AI.

Added: Lawful, Chaotic/Evil, and Neutral weapons are only beneficial if you have a similar alignment.

Added: Lawful weapons will give an additional attack bonus vs. evil aligned creatures.

Added: Items will undergo decay 1-hour after it was last moved. Corpses will be stripped prior to decay.

Fixed: Dragon and Salamander corpses are immune to fire.

Fixed: Resolved a crash using the "go" command with a string. You can no longer teleport to invalid regions.

Added: Peek will automatically dispel after 15 seconds.

Added: Replays can be stepped through by "frames" or individual packets (for debugging purposes).

Fixed: Wizard's eye would not properly update entries on the world map/creature list.

Fixed: Creature jumpkick/shoot during stunned status.


June 17, 2019

Lux — 06/17/2019

Stormhalter v0.23


Added: Corpses will strip and decay after 5 minutes. Items will decay after 15 minutes.

Added: Items may also now be consumed by dropping them over your character sprite on the map.

Added: Lair regions will prevent recalling and logging out.

Added: Various changes to Kesmai landscape and dungeons.


June 19, 2019

Lux — 06/19/2019

Stormhalter v0.24


Added: Leng is available for exploring, Kosh has been added for testing.

Added: AI will now randomly choose to cast or fight.

Added: Removed Fireball and Bonfire from Daisy, she will now cast Dragon's Breath as she pleases.

Added: AI will now periodically reselect their combatant if their target appears to be strong.


Lux — 06/19/2019

Stormhalter v0.25


Added: "played" command to track your total played time per character. It will be inaccurate for characters created prior to this update.

Fixed: Poison cloud will additionally apply to entities that enter the poison cloud, not just those in the initial placement.

Fixed: Poison cloud will now perform a save roll against blind.

Fixed: Stunned creatures can not perform secondary blocks (such as paws, beaks, tails). Primary blocks (hide, armor) may still occur.

Fixed: Destructible pillars on Kesmai -4.

Fixed: Spells can now be properly cast over segment portals.

Fixed: NPCs will ignore orders that are handled by other NPCs. Subordinates will follow regardless.

Added: Darkness tiles are now semi-transparent.

Fixed: Facet, Entrance, Resurrection locations for Leng.

Fixed: NPCs will now cancel their warmed spells if the combatant is lost.

Fixed: Duplicate light cycle messages.

Fixed: Crash related to Djinn/Efreets casting spells.

Fixed: When decay triggers on a player corpse, they will be resurrected by the ghods.

Fixed: Updated difficulty of bosses, please check Trog, Daisy and Kosh.

Added: Some landscape changes to Leng, fixed various ropes.


June 21, 2019

Lux — 06/21/2019

Stormhalter v0.26


Fixed: A client disconnect related to casting Turn Undead.

Fixed: A client disconnect related to using setlevel with invalid values (less than 3, or greater than 53).

Fixed: A client disconnect related to Whirlwind placed on an invalid tile.

Fixed: A client disconnect related to invalid tree terrain.

Fixed: Skillgain from Untrained to Awkward will need less swings than Awkward to Mediocre.

Fixed: Darkness can not be placed over fire.

Fixed: "The spell fails" message while targeting Knight spells.

Added: Spells from knights will check to make sure a bound ring is equipped.

Fixed: Targets from spells are cleared only if the target was from the spell.

Added: A new experimental spell for thieves, available at level 2: Hoodwink.

            At the cost of 8 mana, it converts gold held in the right hand into a worthless

            gemstone. However, the gemstone has a sheen, so reflective that the creatures of

            Kesmai can't discern it from a regular gemstone.

Fixed: For the purposes of testing, a "defense sources" calculation has been added to the character sheet.

Added: A treasure conjurer has been hired for the leng lockers. ("goname treasure")

Added: Equipping a hummer in your right hand as a knight will change your body.

Fixed: Replays were causing a client crash.

Fixed: Items could not be equipped from the world.


June 24, 2019

Lux — 06/24/2019

Stormhalter v0.27


Fixed: Adjusted d20 to d1000 for the purposes of hit/miss/block calculations. Any increase in skill will provide an immediate benefit

        rather than at every level or every 4 levels.

Fixed: Adjusted balm mechanics. Rather than stopping after it has restored a total of your max health, the balm will continue to

        tick decreasingly from 14 to 1 health restored.

Fixed: Ranged creatures no longer move further than they are allowed when creating distance from an attacker.

Added: A new art for gold coins.

Fixed: Using 'dump' command would return not a valid command, despite executing properly.

Fixed: All members of a creature group will now plunder loot, rather than just the leader.

Fixed: Creatures will move on once they've pillaged as much as they could carry.

Fixed: Inability to look at segment portals for treasure.

Fixed: Travelling to another segment will properly reset recall rings.

Added: Experimental Spell: Make Recall Ring (2) available at magic level 15.

Fixed: Anguished spirits will prevent you from travelling between segments.

Fixed: Thief portals will only permit corpses of thieves to be carried through.

Added: Corpses may not be thrown at other entities or locations.


[6:49 PM]

Undocumented changes to Trog area, if you want to explore

June 25, 2019

Lux — 06/25/2019

Stormhalter v0.28


Added: Hunter's Glory - A blessing award by the ghods to those braving the evils of Kesmai. Without this gift, you will earn

            skill and experience at 1.0x.

Fixed: Swap command would not swap items between hands when both slots were occupied.

Fixed: Change order of entity updates send to client, please report any observed crashes on the creature list.

Added: Experimental Thief spell, available at Shadowstalker: Shadowstep (12 mana)

Added: Experimental Thief spell, available at Shadowlord: Stalker in the Shadows (26 mana)

Added: Thieves achieving the rank of Shadow Mage will have greater control over Darkness.

Added: Moved Make Recall Ring (2) to Master of Secrets.


June 28, 2019

Lux — 06/28/2019

Stormhalter v0.29


Fixed: Round lock on 'dump command'

Fixed: Disconnect when entering the world due to having a hidden status effect.

Added: Notifications when switching between characters.

Added: Creatures will regenerate health only after combat has ended.

Added: Your willpower will determine if you are confused by fire and ice.

Added: The client has been given more information regarding pathing costs. It should be easier to path around air and water hexes.

Fixed: Round delay after using stairs or ropes while Speed spell is active.


[1:00 PM]

Some various other fixes to the maps for ropes, etc.

June 29, 2019

Lux — 06/29/2019

Stormhalter v0.30


Fixed: Round lock associated with 'You can't see anyone by that name here.

Added: Kesmai.WorldForge - A tool to allow members of the community submit segment ideas.


June 30, 2019

Lux — 06/30/2019

Stormhalter v0.31


Added: [WorldForge] All terrain added as static components under "Static" category.

Fixed: [WorldForge] Copy/Paste across regions.

Fixed: [WorldForge] Input and Rendering while the mouse was not over the world screen.


July 1, 2019

Lux — 07/01/2019

Stormhalter v0.32


Fixed a infinite round lock related to opening lockers.

Fixed an issue where gold could be placed into your lockers.

All characters will now start with 50 gold in their backpack.

Added a message to Find Secret Doors, rather than a fizzle when doors are unavailable. This will not reward any skill.

Fixed an issue where instant cast spell targets could not be held while waiting for mana to regenerate.

Fixed an invalid knocked bow item art.

Added "!reply" command to Discord Bot Sage - You may use this to reply to github issues without needing an account.

Added "!online" command to Discord Bot Sage - You may use this command to see where clients are connected.

Added an upper limit to how much merchant (balms, recall ring, etc.) will sell.

Added prices and weight to permanent attribute potions.

Fixed an issue where character sheet button would take focus.

Fixed Portal gem teleporters and shimmering veils in Leng.

Fixed MA/Thief only portal for Shidosha



July 2, 2019

Lux — 07/02/2019

Stormhalter v0.33


Added: [WorldForge] The selection (or arrow tool), will better display select appending and joining (hold shift).

Added: [WorldForge] Selections map now be moved by using the arrow tool within the selection and dragging.

Added: [WorldForge] Holding left-mouse button down will continue to draw as you move the mouse. Between each

                        pressed session, an action will occur on each tile at most once.

Added: [WorldForge] If any selections are made, the draw tool will only work within those selections.

Added: [WorldForge] Paint tool to fill selections (click to replay, shift to append)

July 4, 2019

Lux — 07/04/2019

Stormhalter v0.34


Fixed: Added Underkingdom for exploration.

Fixed: [WorldForge] The draw tool will ignore single tile selections.

Added: [WorldForge] Filter Hotkeys (F1-F8), Tool Hotkeys (D1-D8).

Added: [WorldForge] You can now Copy/Paste across different sessions of the application.

Added: [WorldForge] Improved *.mapproj format to not store default values, making file sizes smaller.

Added: [WorldForge] Pressing escape while any editing window is open will close it.

Added: Additional areas in the Bloodlands.

Added: Access to Hall of Legends in Kesmai Lockers.

July 5, 2019

Lux — 07/05/2019

Stormhalter v0.35


Fixed: A case where hand skill was protecting against projectile weapons.

Fixed: The 'fight' command will re-target the nearest named entity if previous target out of melee-range.

Added: 'Jumpkick' command to perform a jumpkick attack.

Fixed: A fire effect will dispel existing fire effects.

Fixed: An issue where terrain components might overwrite another components pathing result.

Fixed: Casters and ranged attackers will move away to a safer location prior to attacking a combatant.

Fixed: Improved verification and notification when two players attempt to pickup/drop the same item.

Fixed: Adjusted stamina loss for jumpkicks.

July 7, 2019

Lux — 07/07/2019

Stormhalter v0.36


Fixed: Various map issues with incorrect walls or secret door terrain.

Fixed: The 'go' command will accept negative coordinates.

Fixed: Summoned salamanders will no longer follow, or leave corpses.

Fixed: Limited the strength of Whirlwind from Summon Phantasm

Fixed: [WorldForge] Keyboard input will be handled by open windows first.

Fixed: [WorldForge] ItemTeleporter component can be configured for any item class.

Added: [WorldForge] ItemTeleporter can be configured for pathing result when failing.

Fixed: [WorldForge] Implemented a profession selector for ProfessionTeleporter.

July 8, 2019

Lux — 07/08/2019

Stormhalter v0.37


Fixed: [WorldForge] Crash related to saving an empty region.

Added: [WorldForge] HiddenTeleporter now has conditions for light cycles, profession and level.

Fixed: Small changes to visibility calculations for tiles beyond the 7x7 world grid.

Added: Initial oak spawns

Zlandicar — 07/08/2019


[5:49 PM]

Oak 34,12,10 airhexes not working

[5:49 PM]

nvm not working all over

Lux — 07/08/2019

Depends how you landed there, some that are > 2 tiles away are not programmed to teleport

Zlandicar — 07/08/2019

was just walkin around

[5:50 PM]

and crossed over all over

[5:50 PM]

might be portal realated?

Lux — 07/08/2019

I'll take a look, I changed something with Sky tiles in this patch, so may know the issue.

Zlandicar — 07/08/2019

yeah they all broken

[5:54 PM]

opps on wrong channel

zrikz — 07/08/2019

Stormhalter v0.37


Kesmai dungeon mysteriously has some new crevasses to explore

July 10, 2019

Lux — 07/10/2019

Stormhalter v0.38


Fixed: Fixed teleports also teleporting NPCs.

Fixed: Oakvael vipers will no longer spawn as lawful.

Added: Knight's Halberd, Lightning Resist Ring.

Fixed: Fire/Ice amulets were not spawning with appropriate charges.

Fixed: Entities led out of their home region will wander freely.

Fixed: AI spells that are instant cast will no longer force the AI to move away from their target.

Fixed: Salamanders no longer require a valid path to direct Wall of Fire at their target.

Added: [WorldForge] HiddenTeleporters can now be configured to teleport non-players and by alignment.

Fixed: Hostile creatures will no longer be able to enter certain thief areas.

July 13, 2019

Lux — 07/13/2019

Stormhalter v0.39


Fixed: A case where stuns were occuring as rounds rather than seconds.

Added: Various missing robes.

Fixed: Dragons will cast their Dragon's Breath further ahead to reach distant targets.

Fixed: 'OK' button on Locate window can be triggered by focusing the button (tab then enter).

Fixed: Knight's Cure spell can only be cast on targets in the same hex.

Fixed: Fixed pathing for various Wizard/Thaum spells.

            - Can't path through water, closed doors, over walls/obstructions.

            - Increased max pathing via a target to 10 (when not determined by skill level).

            - Limited spell casts within 7x7 world view.

Fixed: Lightning Storm and Fire Storm follow the rules per above, but will only transfer to tiles in LOS.

Fixed: Lightning Bolt will follow the rules per above, and when cast from water, it will land on the casters hex.

Fixed: Lightning Lance and Lightning Storm will follow rules similar to Lightning Bolt.

Added: Missing shields.

Added: [Sandbox] "go" command will now accept partial segment names. (go axe, go blood, etc.)

Fixed: Concussion will extend another 10 feet, and the center tile has the appropriate graphic.

July 14, 2019

Lux — 07/14/2019

Stormhalter v0.40


Added: Seperated rarely updated resources from Data to reduce patch sizes. (3 new files)

      (If Kesmai.Update says file in use, simply restart the updater each time).

Lux — 07/14/2019

I've deployed a new launcher that resolves the issue where the updater stops due to client files being locked.     There is a separate issue where the update tool crashes when relaunching itself, or attempting to delete the old version, in both cases -- just restart the updater.  Windows doesn't like it restarting or deleting files.

[2:41 PM]

In the future, our patches will go from 8-11 mb down to maybe < 500kb depending on what is updated.

[2:45 PM]

(The updater updates itself FYI, you don't need to redownload the original zip)

July 15, 2019

Lux — 07/15/2019

Stormhalter v0.41


Fixed: Stun status was not properly removed on the last tick after previous change.

Fixed: Removed restrictions on Concussion, Lightning Bolt, and Hide Door to path only in LOS.

Removed: Opal is no longer an active facet.

Fixed: Two-handed weapons were strictly two-handed, but now can be wielded and swung with one-hand.

        (Taking suggestions on reduced damage when wielded this way, thinking 80% at this time).

Fixed: Longbows/Shortbows will un-nock when they are moved, or the wielder has moved (Crossbows are exempt).

Fixed: All projectile weapons require a free hand to be nocked.

Fixed: NPCs will no longer drop their two-handed weapons.

Fixed: Specific items may be thrown from the top 5 slots in backpacks (Weapons, Naphtha, Nitro)

July 16, 2019

Lux — 07/16/2019

I deployed a hotfix for an AI searching issue that was causing significant and random delays. Your commands would often get communicated to the server, but would not process quickly enough. The gameplay/network communication should be much smoother now.

July 17, 2019

Lux — 07/17/2019

Stormhalter v0.42


Fixed: Stun will now cancel fear status and include remaining round time.

Added: Macros! (Please check for a "Macros" folder after logging into a character.)

            - There is a global macros file, and another file for each character.

            - Macros at this time can not be declared in game.

            - You can reload macros by exiting to conference and re-entering the world.

Added: Asheron's creation of "Pirate World" for exploration.  I titled it "Tortuga," You'll

        find a portal near kesmai docks.

Lux — 07/17/2019

I pushed an update for WorldForge that changes how mouse position is determined, it may fix it for those of you with DPI scaling issues.

July 18, 2019

Lux — 07/18/2019

Stormhalter v0.43


Added: Support for different resolutions.

July 19, 2019

Lux — 07/19/2019

Stormhalter v0.44


Fixed: Pathfinding costs on server will match costs on client.

Fixed: Rendering of extended terrain on right and bottom edges.

Added: Spawns to Serpent's Sea, an area which has been expanded, don't get lost

July 27, 2019

Lux — 07/27/2019

Stormhalter v0.45


Fixed: Server<->Client communication regarding closing dialogs/gumps.

Fixed: Instant spells are properly cancelled when a target/dialog is cancelled.

Added: Warm command to begin warming of a spell.

            Usage: warm (spell name) [power]

            Example: "warm fireb 2" => Fireball w\ Power 2

            Example: "warm fireb"    => Fireball w\ maximum power.

            Example: "warm fireb 0" => Fireball w\ minimum power.

Added: Various beneficial spells now direct "self" targets to the caster.

            Example: "cast at self" is similar to using "cast".

                This provides a optional argument for a single macro.

                (cat = "cast at [1:self]")

Added: Instant spells can now be invoked through the cast command. The 'at' specifier is very important!

            Example: "cast cure at self"

            Example: "cast light at n n n"

Fixed: Knight's Light spell will also dispel spider webs.

Fixed: [WorldForge] Invalid input due to DPI scaling issues on 4K monitors.

            When MonoGame fixes their internal scaling, we'll try to use DPI scaling.

July 29, 2019

Lux — 07/29/2019

Stormhalter v0.46


Added: Server-side aliases for commands are now client side macros. Macros should always

       use the full form of the server-side command. These cannot be edited.

        c = "cast", cu = "climb up", cd = "climb down", d = "down", f = "fight",

        jk = "jumpkick", m = "move", o = "open", r = "rest", t = "take", th = "throw",

        u = "up", w = "warm"

Fixed: A client side crash related to re-entering Tortuga.

Added: Aging attacks.

Added: Troll Temple and Oak Undead spawns.

Added: Progress bars to the update tool.

Lux — 07/29/2019

Stormhalter v0.46.1


Fixed: Groups of casters will not repeatedly fizzle spells.

Fixed: Banshee assigned to shrouding the Temple of the Undead have a different apperance.

August 1, 2019

Lux — 08/01/2019

Stormhalter v0.47


Fixed: Casting 'Light' will now dispel ALL darkness and web effects.

Fixed: The 'break' command can now be specified to work on left or right hand.

            Example: break left, break right

Changed: Random variation on spell damage occurs prior to reduction.

Added: The Lich Twins

August 4, 2019

Lux — 08/04/2019

Stormhalter v0.48


Added: Spell orbs containing Create Web, Light, Fireball, Icestorm, and Darkness.

Added: Spell wands containing Ice Storm, Fireball, Lightning, Create Portal, Death, Blind, and Fear.

Fixed: Spells were allowed to path through walls.

Fixed: Normal Lich were not immune to ice.

Fixed: Creatures with similar alignments will never attack each other. Lawful/Neutral may attack other

       Lawful/Neutral if they are defending.

Fixed: Incorrect render order for specific ruins/walls used in Oak undead.

Fixed: Added an additional layer to fire that renders over destroyed walls.

Fixed: Changed animation step from 140 to 80 for fire. (Let me know if it's better/worse)

Fixed: Full-screen mode, in the future, we'll implement letterboxing for 16:9 aspect ratios.

Added: The future is now, added letter-boxing on 16:9 aspect ratios to render as 4:3. (no more stretching!)

Fixed: When using 'cast' command on instant spells (Knights), pathing no longer requires the 'at'

       specifier. You may execute: "cast light w w", rather than "cast light at w w"

Added: 'Cast' command may be used to cast spells from wands, left is used before right.

       Wands are used first even if the caster has learned the spell.

            Example: (fireball wand) "cast fireball e e"

            Example: (death wand) "cast death at orc"

August 16, 2019

Lux — 08/16/2019

Stormhalter v0.49


Fixed: Draznia, Mnar, and Leng Thieves will start with a crossbow in their belt.

Added: The client now ignore DPI scaling. The render will be smaller, so increase resolution.

Changed: To avoid conflicts with 'cast' commands, Thaum's 'Cure' has been renamed to 'Heal'

                Example: 'warm heal'  =>  'cast heal at self'

Added: Heal and Raise Dead staves

Added: All creatures are immune to damage from their own spells.

Fixed: Drag locking when fizzled while targetting.

August 17, 2019

Lux — 08/17/2019

Stormhalter v0.49.1


Fixed: Balms will stop on the same tick that you reach full hp rather then on next tick.

Added: An experimental change to Enchant Weapon spell: The spell will now provide additional

            attack bonus on a wielded weapon for the next swing. The enchantment is lost if

            the weapon is unwielded or if a successful attack is made.

** All existing copper halberds have been deleted

November 21, 2019

Lux — 11/21/2019

Stormhalter v0.50


Fixed: Optimized server start-up and visibility updates to clients.

Fixed: Properties command caused an exception if given an invalid serial.

Added: The client can now load bodies and terrain modifications. (Talk to Lux)

Added: Initial lava flow mechanics from Create Lava - much thanks to Asheron on his models.

            - The flow mechanic will be refined in the next patch.

            - Damage and push mechanics will be implemented soon.



December 14, 2019

Lux — 12/14/2019

Stormhalter v0.51


Added: Reintroduced Opal (1 second rounds)

Added: Perma-death character mode, at this time they can be played on any facet.

Added: Doom.Orc


March 3, 2020

Lux — 03/03/2020

Stormhalter v0.52


WorldForge: Certain UI windows can be freely moved.

WorldForge: Fixed a bug relating to modifying/moving selections.

Added: Missing Knight trainer in Oakvael

Added: You can now track your training using 'trainer, critique <skill> training'

Added: 'Venom' can now be auto-cast as below by holding the alt key, otherwise a target will appear.

Added: When casting 'Venom', it will now prioritize right hand, left hand, belted daggers, then any belted melee weapons.

Added: 'Sack' command to make picking up items easier.

            Example: Sack gem

            Example: Sack gem from counter

Added: 'Shadowstep' now let's you teleport to the pathed hex, through destructable walls but not obstructions.

        When landing, nearby creatures will have their attack power reduced (+miss chance, -damage). The effect

        only applies once and does not refresh. The landing location must have a floor.

Fixed: Concussion's chance to destroy walls reduced and increases by skill level.

Fixed: Creatures that can fly will now ignore ground movement costs.

Added: Create Lava will now sweep mobiles/items along the flow and apply damage.



April 5, 2020

Lux — 04/05/2020

Stormhalter v0.53


Fixed: Creatures will cast properly over terrain they cannot path.

Fixed: A crash related to Lava flows.

Fixed: Items may now fall down various shafts/stairs.

Fixed: Gold would not properly place into entity backpacks.

WorldForge: Optimized world rendering.


April 14, 2020

Lux — 04/14/2020

Stormhalter v0.54


Fixed: Entities did not properly update their visibility after terrain changes (darkness, doors closing).

Fixed: Removed "w" as an alias from "warm" command. If this still occurs, update your global macros.

Fixed: RangedAI/CasterAI will move away from the combatant, but not so far away that they are out of LOS.

Fixed: RangedAI/CasterAI will attempt to find a safe location if drowning.

Fixed: Stun messages will only repeat for the stunned entity.

Fixed: Casting Blind/Fear/Stun will register as aggressive actions.

Fixed: Summons Djinns and Efreets are now immune to their own spell types.

Added: Commands can now reference indexed targets as they appear on the creature list.

            Example: throw dagger at hobgoblin1 => attacks the first hobgoblin.

            Example: throw dagger at hob12 => attacks the 12th hobgoblin.

Added: The server will automatically restart every morning at 4 AM.


May 16, 2020

Lux — 05/16/2020

Stormhalter v0.55


Added: Sage-bot will now accept commands through DMs, no more development spam!

Added: The client can use the num-pad for directions when num-lock is disabled.

Fixed: Items that fall down stairs/shafts will update for those looking.

Added: Poisoned weapons will turn lawful players neutral.

Added: Knights that do not remain lawful will lose their knighthood.

Added: Lawful killing lawful will turn lawful to neutral.

Fixed: Mana regeneration is interrupted when a spell is warmed.

Added: Extended visibility calculations to 9x9 rather than 7x7 grid.

Fixed: Terrain changes will render properly when partial visibility exists.

Added: Perception, an experimental spell that allows thieves to perceive enemies near adjacent walls.

Fixed: AI are prevented from walking into hidden doors.

Added: Mana costs and intensity display on spell icons.

Added: Hotkeys to change secondary viewports (Alt + C, R, S, B, L, P)

Added: Hotkey (Alt + H) will toggle looking at the ground.

Fixed: Replays not playing properly after forwarding.

Fixed: Sounds spamming when forwarding/rewinding on replays.


June 28, 2020

Lux — 06/28/2020

Stormhalter v0.56


Fixed: Wrong hotkey assigned to look at ground (Alt + Z).

Added: Additional hotkey support. See

Fixed: Items purchased from merchants no longer decay.

Fixed: Various visibility issues for entities out of line-of-sight.

Fixed: Hoodwink has intensities and can be pathed after Obscurer of Ways (7).

            It also now consumes gold from multiple source locations.

Added: Backstab, an experimental thief spell that allows for an instant attack.

Added: When proned by an attacker, your round timer is restarted.

Fixed: Trash barrels could not be pathed over.

Fixed: All counters now have a "look" action.


July 13, 2020

Lux — 07/13/2020

Stormhalter v0.57


Added: WorldForge - Locations and Subregion editors.

Fixed: Poison Cloud will award experience.

Added: (Alt + I) will open character stats sheet.

Added: A confessor ghost in Kesmai to reset your alignment (ghost, forgive me)

July 16, 2020

Lux — 07/16/2020

Stormhalter v0.57.1


Fixed: Startup crash on WorldForge

August 4, 2020

Lux — 08/04/2020

Stormhalter v0.58


Added: Updated "Props" command to edit certain properties.

Added: [WorldForge] Now connects to the server for data access.

Fixed: Held items will bounce to their original location when moving.

Added: Pressing '*" on numpad will issue a fight command.

Added: Pressing '5' on numpad will clear the current command line.

Added: An experimental ring. When inspected, you see crashing ocean waves.

Fixed: Creatures not picking up gems from Hoodwink and Hoodwink failing when pathing.

Fixed: An issue where visibility range of 0 prevented certain AI from attacking.

Fixed: Various cases where command arguments were case sensitive.

Fixed: Right HAND blocks will not occur if the left-weapon is blocking.

Fixed: Crash related to pressing {Tab} when using gump windows.

Added: Breaking equipment/weapons now awards experience. Breaking bound items awards more.

Fixed: A message when hit by a concussion spell.

Fixed: Trees in Underkingdom not decaying.

Fixed: Various robes were labelled as "books" or "bottles" on tooltips.

Fixed: Perception did not properly update terrain when the effect was lost.

August 23, 2020

Lux — 08/23/2020

Stormhalter v0.59


Fixed: [WorldForge] Statics category not displaying all terrain.

Added: [WorldForge] Doors have a new property 'Is Destroyed'

Fixed: Skill gain for ranged attacks that require weapon nocking.

Fixed: Status effects from spells are removed when killed.

Fixed: Additional magic skill check on spell casts.

Fixed: Ranged attacks dealt 0 damage.

Fixed: Various gates did not obstruct.

Fixed: Poisoned weapons retained their poisoned art.

Fixed: Concussion did not properly apply stuns.

Added: 'users' command in conference.

March 2, 2021

Lux — 03/02/2021

This is the latest editor that allows for entity spawning. It released separately from the regular updates. This version is built on .NET 5 ( - and may require a new framework runtime download. Once the client is migrated over, both will be available through the updater. Please report all !issues in development.

Be mindful about doing serious work on it, please wait for the next version that comes through the updater.

.NET Blog

Rich Lander [MSFT]

Introducing .NET 5 | .NET Blog

Today, we’re announcing that the next release after .NET Core 3.0 will be .NET 5. This will be the next big release in the .NET family. There will be just one .NET going forward, and you will be able to use it to target Windows,

March 11, 2021

Lux — 03/11/2021

Stormhalter v0.60


Fixed: [WorldForge] Crash related to 'Vegetation' category in terrain list.

Fixed: [WorldForge] Regions can be dragged as tabs and render seperately.

Added: [WorldForge] Seperated location/subregion editor from terrain editor.

Added: [WorldForge] Creature spawn information can be added directly into map projects.

Added: Client, WorldForge, and Server upgraded to .NET 5

With changing to .NET 5, a few framework dependent files have to be kept in the game folder (*.json), unfortunate.

April 29, 2021

Lux — 04/29/2021

Stormhalter v0.61


Added: [WorldForge] Treasure and Hoard editing.

            - The UI will be reworked at some point away from DataGrid control.

Added: [WorldForge] Entity editor improved to support triggers for OnSpawn and OnDeath.

Over the next week, we'll implement additional properties and functions accessible to scripting features.

Here is a demo map with some entity and treasure information included:

[Open the link, Right click, (Save as.. )].

May 3, 2021

Lux — 05/03/2021

Stormhalter v0.62


Fixed: Negative price modifers positvely affected actual price of items.

Fixed: Crash recovery from scripted assemblies locked in previous instance.

Fixed: All github commands not executing properly.

Added: !online now takes "facet" and "segment" as arguments. (!online segment, !online facet)

Fixed: [WorldForge] Tools/Filter selection not updating.

Fixed: [WorldForge] Various issues after rendering and UI changes.

Added: [WorldForge] Right clicking on region maps will create a context menu for quick actions.

                        You can create a spawn or location for the tile where you click.

Added: [WorldForge] Two new triggers for Spawner objects: OnBeforeSpawn(Spawner) and OnAfterSpawn(Spawner, MobileEntity)

May 5, 2021

Lux — 05/05/2021

Stormhalter v0.63


Fixed: [WorldForge] Spawner types not stored properly.

Added: Exposed various server-side properties and methods related to spells and AI.

Most of Kesmai town NPCs are now spawned through the map.

Examples of using templates and customization with OnAfterSpawn trigger:

[Open, Right click, (Save as.. )].

May 31, 2021

Lux — 05/31/2021

Stormhalter v0.64


Swing delay can be configured on each individual weapon, not specifically The Hummingbird Sword.

Pathing bug related to moving into doors. (issue #382)

After recieving some feedback from new players, reduced the spawns of Kesmai -1 from 50 to 40.

ExperienceMultiplier and HealthMultiplier configurable per region. (see Segment tab)

Entities and Treasures are properly resolved when referenced in scripts.

Terrain will render in proper order indepedent of component order.

All existing sprites are mapped into categories/components.

Shopkeepers can be configured to sell items to players and have a RestockDelay.

            See kesmaiWeaponsmith and kesmaiArmorer spawns for examples.

    shopkeeper.Stock<Dagger>("dagger", 100);

    shopkeeper.Stock<ClearBalm>("balm", 16, 30);

    shopkeeper.Stock("sword", () => new ShortSword(), 300);


    shopkeeper.Restock(StockEntry entry)

    shopkeeper.RestockAll(bool maximum = false)

  Kesmai.mapproj is now open-source. Merge requests to this will be added to master branch. (


June 2, 2021

Lux — 06/02/2021

A new version of the Kesmai.Updater is available:   It will now warn if the .NET 5 runtime is not installed, and open a URL if requested. Patching can proceed without requiring .NET 5, in case future runtime installations differ from what we check and/or the verification malfunctions.  It will update itself when launched.

Lux — 06/02/2021

Stormhalter v0.64.1


Crash that followed after dying and having your corpse moved.

Visibility changes will only be sent to the client during movement if your tile changes.

Crash related to moving into walls.

Treasure visibility not updating on the map until moving.

Crash related to having multiple 'dialog' windows open.

Dispel Illusions properly dispels illusions. Similar illusions will dispel each other.

Illusions will now dispel automatically, scaling with skill level.

Improved Create Illusion Spells with various new terrain types at higher skill levels.

Visibility udpates are sent once even if two or more visibility changes occur.

Obstructions will now be marked as Impassable. (resolves issue #477)


June 12, 2021

Lux — 06/12/2021

Stormhalter v0.65


Updates cost of sky terrain for improved pathing.

Change heuristic cost of terrain to improve in corner cases.

Update Ruins cost to 6 to improve pathing.

Crash that occured when recalling in the same location. (related to issue #382)

Various UX fixes for Entities, Spawns, Treasures, and Subregions.

Segment projects directly loaded from local, remote, or github sources.

Segment projects are validated for namespaces/types that could be abused.

With today's version, contributors have more tools to start testing spawns. The server may often restart, without warning.

June 23, 2021

Lux — 06/23/2021

Stormhalter v0.66


"again" (alias "a") command will perform the previous command.

"push" will move an item, and move you, in the specified directions.

                    Example: push <item> [<index>] <direction|up|down>

                    Example: push bottle 2 up

Players are now marked as agressors with defensive flags. (purple name).

Aggressions are persisted between restarts and expire after a few days.

"pet" command to clear agressions from another players.

"report" command to create github issue through the client.

"drop" command, functions similarly to "dump", but acts on your hands.

                    Example: drop           [Drops a single a item from the hands]

                    Example: drop dagger    [Drops a single dagger from the hands]

                    Example: drop daggers    [Drops any article matching the singular form]

                    Example: drop all        [Drops anything held in the hands]

"take", "dump", and "drop" orders are executed similarly to player commands.

                    Example: ph, take gold from counter

                    Example: ph, dump gems on counter

                    Example: ph, dump all

                    Example: ph, drop gold

Followers will properly pick/drop items on counters.

"take" and "sack" will fail if already attempting to pick up an item.

A recent change had broken swing delays for opal/pearl.

"break" awards experience only from those items considered as treasures.


June 27, 2021

Lux — 06/27/2021

I've uploaded the remainder of the OG maps on the repo:

Please avoid working on Praetoseba as it will likely be stripped out of the game at some point.  If you plan to work on something, I suggest making it known in the development channel so someone doesn't work on something similar, or create an issue/pr request in draft mode.


July 1, 2021

Lux — 07/01/2021

The following were all just server fixes and were implemented between restarts.

Wall stuns are now based on path requested and distance moved.

Self-harm no longer triggers a defensive-flag message.

Spawns from map projects were not casting spells.

If lawful, breaking items from another player now turns you neutral.

Implemented fall chance on ropes and shafts. Climb down now works on shafts.

Reverted a change that reduced minimum damage from monsters by 2.

Added two new facets, Ruby and Topaz with different round timers. (and stress test)

                    Ruby is 1.5 seconds, and Topaz is 2.5.

    This brings the facets too:

        Agate    3.0s    2.0x Exp and Skill

        Beryl    3.0s    2.0x Exp and Skill

        Topaz    2.5s    2.5x Exp and Skill

        Pearl    2.0s    3.0x Exp and Skill

        Ruby    1.5s    3.5x Exp and Skill

        Opal    1.0s    4.0x Exp and Skill

Let me know feedback on exp gain, turn rates, and any lag you might experience.


July 2, 2021

Lux — 07/02/2021

Added 'Giant', 'Drake', 'Goose', 'Rockwyrm', and 'Statue' types

(Can't tell if bodies are accurate, we'll see if a statue spawns as a rat)

I've removed Beryl, Opal, and Topaz so you can guys can test gameplay Saturday/Sunday. I'll enable them Tuesday to collect some data and do some optimization.


July 8, 2021

Lux — 07/08/2021

Stormhalter v0.67


Spell inscriptions will drop/render properly when dropped between bars.

The portrait panel will now display slot titles.

Rope and Shaft components now have a "SlipChance" property.

Added 'Cat', 'Duck', 'Hippopotamus', 'Panda' types.

Utilize enter and escape to interact on the item amount window.

Added a few helper methods for generating mantra/chants.

                example: SpellHelper.GenerateMantra(byte first, byte second, byte third, byte fourth);

                example: SpellHelper.GenerateMantra(params byte[] words);

Balms will tick appropriately for 1/3rd the facet round timer.

Selected attacks are now properly utilized for damage calculations.

All 6 facets are up, CPU usage hovering around 77% with some of the optimizations. Will continue with spawns and general testing on Saturday.


July 12, 2021

Lux — 07/12/2021

All animals now inherit from 'AnimalEntity' and have property CanLoot set to false.

Added new types 'Fish', 'Raven', 'WaterElemental', 'Mummy', 'TrollGuard', 'Overlord', 'Ninja'

Create Snake and Summon Phantasm will no longer crash the server.



July 19, 2021

Lux — 07/19/2021

Stormhalter v0.68


Phantasms will dispel automatically after 10 minutes. (

Killing Summoned creatures will not turn you neutral.

Enabled combat messages for debugging, use command DebugCombat (

Dump command did not drop all specified items as requested.

Fixed visiblity updates triggering when no change needs to be communicated to the client.

Added 'Indestructible' property to doors.

RangedAI will move if any hostile moves to their location, not just the focused target.

Vision range will always be 3 in town subregions.

All followers will execute climb down properly.

Merged a PR changing Kesmai experience. (

Merged a PR for Underkingdom spawns. (

July 22, 2021

Lux — 07/22/2021

I've upgraded the server to the following, hoping to get better utilization out of some of the threaded optimizations with multiple cores:

Let me know how it works out with lag.



July 24, 2021

Lux — 07/24/2021

Stormhalter v0.69


All consumable refactored with a "Content" property. Contents can be changed between consumables.

Bottles in your hands can be opened using open/close commands (example: open bottle, close bottle).

Open bottles have a chance to spill if running, or moving the bottle.

'Drink' command will work on open bottles in your hands without breaking them.

AI will have an aversion to walking on PoisonedWater

Added PoisonedWater component where Potency is the starting poison damage.

Fixed crashed when looking at ItemTeleporter properties.

Fixed C# highlighting not showing syntax errors.

August 2, 2021

Lux — 08/02/2021

I've removed all the additional testing features.

- Treasure conjurers

- Various commands (setskill, setlevel, props, etc.)

I've archived all the replays/saves up to now, and started the server with an empty save. All accounts have been wiped, along with the characters.

With much help from many of you, we're getting another step closer to release. Unfortunately, we're still not going with persistent characters as I want to play-test through the leveling experience.

Please play through Kesmai segment with the mind-set that it should be balanced for NEW players, those that may have never played Legends of Kesmai prior.  Anticipate many of those players when we go live. Please feel free to suggest quality of life changes that would improve their experience.

Lux — 08/02/2021

Stormhalter v0.70


Fixed various crashes around creature list and sorting prior to map updates.

Added a latency indicator between game client to game server.

Added ObsidianEgg for Returning Axe quest.

Added CreatureEntity AddWeakness(Type type) and AddImmunity(Type type) for items.

                    Example:  iceDragon.AddWeakness(typeof(SilverGreatAxe));

August 4, 2021

Lux — 08/04/2021

Items will decay after 1 hour, rather than 15 minutes.

Fixed updates sent to client for entities that were not visible.

                    For example: Casting a fireball on a spectre (which isn't on your

                                 creature list) would transmit a health update. Since the entity

                                 does not exist on the client, a crash would generate from the creature list.

AI timer will tick every 5 ms rather than per tick.

August 5, 2021

Lux — 08/05/2021

Previously saved items would continue to save even after dropped from character.

Backpack has a new property IsStrict. When true, only certain contents may be stored.

Inventories are now allocated per type.

                    AnimalEntity: Backpack (not strict) only.

                    MobileEntity: Paperdoll, Rings, Backpack (not strict), Belt, Hands.

                    PlayerEntity: Paperdoll, Rings, Backpack (strict), Belt, Hands and Locker.

Fixed issue where loot that could not be stored into backpack did not drop.

Fix potential crashes around "begone" directive and "break" command.

Added "!announce" command on discord for @Adventurer and above.

Items programmed on map projects will be resolved properly for deserialization.

August 9, 2021

Lux — 08/09/2021

Stormhalter v0.71


Fixed an issue where old items were saved even if not stored on a player.

Potential fixes for roll-backs on items. Keep monitoring for dissapearing items.

'DebugCombat' command available to players during this testing phase.

'Props' command available to players in read-only mode.

Removed 'F1' to launch wiki.

IceProtectionRing fixed to be type Ring (All existing instances may get deleted).

CombatAI will properly execute instant casts.

Agate will drop for any Knight actively on the Knighthood quest.

Lux — 08/09/2021

@everyone After much consideration, I've decided to make Kesmai.WorldForge open source. Members of this community were able to contribute significant efforts in creating spawns so that we may move closer to live, this is just another step. I have not been able to put in much time and would like to continue to focus on other aspects of the project. Making it available will allow contributions for critical fixes and improvements.


August 11, 2021

Lux — 08/11/2021

Non-existant tiles will produce empty visibility when calculated.

Fixed crash when Leaving/Entering invalid tiles. (Doom.Orc portal?)

Added GetFriendlyInRange to CreatureEntity

CasterAI will only move to a safe location if other AI are around.

RangedAI will nock their crossbows prior to wandering.

Players can not attack through walls (i.e.: Perception)

Shoot will only unnock projectile weapons after the attack is performed.

August 12, 2021

Lux — 08/12/2021

Stormhalter v0.72


Added an easily accessible report button to create Github issues.

Added potions to apothecary in Kesmai.

Fixed an issue where round timers were not set properly to newly spawned groups.

Shopkeepers will properly respond to multiple words for item names.

Fixed an issue with command input where up/down did not cycle properly.

Fall damage is now (distance * 2) rather than (distance / 2)

Topaz at 2.5 seconds was not too popular, it's now similar to Ruby.

There is a particular crash that's been prevented on the client.

                - Entities will show up with a 'gray' status. It seems to occur more often

                    with jumpkicks. If you can narrow it and reproduce it, It'll be an easy fix.

August 14, 2021

Lux — 08/14/2021

'played' command now includes the current session time.

You can now interact with all items on a counter/altar (search, etc.).

AI with magic immunity will not have aversion to Fire/Ice.

AI with VisibilityDistance < 3 will move away to cast spells.

                    i.e.: drake and presense will chase each other.

August 16, 2021

Lux — 08/16/2021

Stormhalter v0.73


Fixed an issue where pressing enter on input did not update up/down queue.

Fixed a hang that would occur around opening/opened bottles.

When an item updates (moved, amount changed), the server will remove it from pick-up requests.

                (example: You are dragging a Drake potion, another player grabs it first).

                (example: You are dragging gold, and the gold changes amount).

Fixed a client-side crash that may occur when dragging stackable items (gold).

For StockEntry, added a AllowRestock parameter to prevent restocking of items.

Fixed an issue where 'take' command caused a round lock if hands were already full.

Fixed an issue where Age was reset to an invalid value.

Added CanDisintegrate property to ItemEntity (see

'Users' will now show you how many players in the segment. (for now)

Implemented Say to MobileEntity that is general speech message visible to InLOS players.

                    sherrif.Say("I'm the law around here.")

Added a read-only console on the client for logging.

Duplicate macro commands will not cause a client crash.

Vendors and Trainers will respond to partial name and listed index.

                    Example: oskar, teach close[/open door]  or  oskar, teach 1

                    Example: lars, sell weak [strength ring]

Vendors will not serve you if you are hidden.

Zrikz kindly fixed some spawn issues and teleporters in Axe Glacier.

Zrikz added some spawns to Bloodlands, feel free to check them out and provide him some feedback.

Lux — 08/16/2021

I deployed 0.73.1 to fix the .NET runtime issue. Please update if you were having trouble. Those with 0.73.0 that worked fine shouldn't need to update.

August 22, 2021

Lux — 08/22/2021

Visibility/LOS calculations have been re-worked so that comparisons are made across groups, rather than per entity. Previously, if we had 2 groups of 3 orcs, there were 30 calculations (each orc checks the 5 others). With the new implementation, there would only be 2 calculations (group 1 vs group 2). This should reduce the load significantly and we should see more consistency in lag. There will still be 1 "spike" every minute, which is the server saving and typically takes 100-300ms (I'll refactor this later so it occurs in the background).

I'll patch any issue prompty today/tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and I appreciate all of the feedback with play testing.



Known issues

2 Messages ›

This thread is archived

August 26, 2021

Lux — 08/26/2021

Stormhalter v0.74


Various visibility changes for performance, resolved a few common crash issues.

Added two button in the top-left to toggle types of logging. One is for combat messages.

                    - This will only be available during the testing phases.

Pressing Esc will now clear: the target, any path, then any command input.

"throw" command will now activate targets for matching articles in your hands.

                    Example: 'throw dagger' will bring up a target for a dagger.

                    Example: 'throw' will bring up a target for a throwable weapon.

"/" hotkey on numpad will execute "throw" command, but will not auto throw your weapon.

Items sold by vendors correspond to the correct list number.

August 28, 2021

Lux — 08/28/2021

Creature inactivation is done by region. Regions activate when:

                    1. A player or their follower moves in.

                    2. When the region is under peek, for the duration of the peek spell.

               Regions inactivate tied to Facet delay.

Ghods will forgive all deaths during beta testing.

All saves are done on a background thread, this should resolve the lag spike once per minute.

Lux — 08/28/2021

All facets now have a roundHandicap, which is milliseconds added to creature turn delays.

                    Each handicap is adjusted by facet round. Agate/Beryl => 90ms, Pearl => 60ms, Ruby/Pearl => 45ms.

To create better spread on creatures rounds, their initial round will be delayed randomly.

                    i.e: 3 spawns of group are unlikely to all act on the same time, may be separated by a few ms.

Certain Kesmai NPCs now have some flavor text.

August 30, 2021

Lux — 08/30/2021

Stormhalter v0.75


Changed heuristic cost on pathing to diagonal-octile distance.


Create Snake can no longer be cast on your self.

Additional weapons can be enchanted with Enchant Weapon

                    Axe at 8, Staff and Flail at 11, Projectile Weapons at 12

Hummingbird Sword is now lawful.

You can no longer shoot or throw items at yourself.

Added 'shoot' command, it functions similar to 'throw', but no hotkey.

'fight', 'jumpkick', 'throw' and 'shoot' commands will only resolve hostile alignments.

                    (Players that attack you are considered an hostile alignment.)

Fixed a crash related to hostility saving. Brick and Darkice can fight again.

Lux — 08/30/2021

When blinded, all entities will be removed from your view again.

Modified AddWeakness and AddImmunity to allow spell types.

                    Example: entity.AddWeakness(typeof(WhirlwindSpell));

                    Example: entity.AddImmunity(typeof(IcespearSpell));

               Creature could still be magic immune, but also be weak to a particular spell.

Potion contents are now persisted between restarts.

Fixed an issue where spawners spawned more spawns.

September 1, 2021

Lux — 09/01/2021

Stormhalter v0.76


All creatures can take damage from their own spells again.

                    We'll need to utilize AddImmunity to prevent damage, or they must be magic immune.

Lightning will not stun a creature if they have an immunity to typeof(Lightning).

                    Damage will still apply unless you add typeof(LightningBoltSpell).

Fixed a crash related to Sven, along with various other invalid characters.

Using an invalid conference room name will move you to the default room.

September 6, 2021

Lux — 09/06/2021

Stormhalter v0.77


All pathing costs are directly communicated from the server. We'll continue to tweak as needed.

Added 'Blackburrow', designed by Brick.

With the exception of 3 other maps that have been made by users, I likely won't be adding anymore as it

takes significant time to review map changes. I've pulled a PR from Slyster for Kesmai. Please let me know

feedback regarding changes for early levels while public, then the map will go into a private repo for new content.

September 8, 2021

Lux — 09/08/2021

Stormhalter v0.78


BaseArmorBonus will now apply properly against non-weapon attacks for shields and weapons.

Gauntlets now apply their ProjectileProtection against projectiles rather than BaseArmorBonus

Resolved invalid ItemLiftCancel packets sent on single click.

When disconnected, held items will have their lift cancelled.

Entrance to Blackburrow should now be functional.

Changed pathing cost on Impassable to 255 and Sky to 128.

September 9, 2021

Lux — 09/09/2021

CopperHalberd will now bind, is lawful and blue-glow.

AI will now correctly follow you up/down even if the stairs lead to the same region.

Poisons have an IsDirect property. Venom is now considered a direct damage poison.

Each poison tick rolls if direct damage occured based on direct vs total potency.

Items will lose a charge when stripped from corpses if they were equipped on your paperdoll or rings.

Concussion chance to destroy walls increased. (5% at level 8, 33% at 19 magic)

Order directives to NPCs will no longer show up in message log.

Reworked Turn Undead

Creatures will only loot hexes that are visible to them.

Perception visibility is now obscured by Darkness, but you still retain line-of-sight.

Temporarily allowed use of '.' in names until a Guild system is implemented.

Hoodwink gems will now crumble when lifted by creatures.

Creatures will only loot if they are carrying less than 5 items.

Shadowstep is an instant spell, but still consumes a round.

Regions will inactivate after 50 rounds when server restarts.


September 14, 2021

Lux — 09/14/2021

Only breaking items belonging to other players will turn you neutral.

Backstab will now properly attack with both left and right daggers.

Teleports no longer cause an entity to persist on creature list.

Spawn time minimum and maximum are scaled to facet delay.

All salamanders are now of type AnimalEntity, and will not loot.

September 22, 2021

Lux — 09/22/2021

Stormhalter v0.79


@korazail has been busy improving WorldForge, check out his changes here:


@zrikz and @Brick have contributions/fixes to their lands.

@SewerCzar has some new contributions to the Grove. His additions can dynamically change the map.

Items will no longer bind to non-player entities.

@Leolus has added his contribution of the 18 strength quest.

September 24, 2021

Lux — 09/24/2021

Wands now inherit from MeleeWeapon -- all existing instances will be removed.

                    - They deal a minimum of 1 damage and maximum of 2, unless otherwise overridden.

                    - They deal piercing damage, unless otherwise overridden.

                    - They can be both belted and placed in your backpack.

Attacking an enemy with a spell, to which they are immune, will show that it hit for little damage.

Balms will no longer persist through death.

Adjusted damage scale of Turn Undead and changed returned health to mana.

Types defined in mapproj will be resolved correctly when server restarts.

                    Restart 1: ObsidianEgg from AxeGlacierA.dll

                    Restart 2: ObsidianEgg from AxeGlacierB.dll

               The server would continue to resolve from the first instance causing various type mismatches.

Weight did not update properly when dropping/splitting items.

Equipped and inactive recall rings will not activate when start restarts.

For testing, any profession can interact with eighteen strength quest NPC.


September 28, 2021

Lux — 09/28/2021

When a status effect loses a spell source, you will receive a message.

                 (i.e: The spell of Shield has worn off.)

               If the spell effect is still provided by an item, it will remain as a spell status.

Various timers have been adjusted to the facet timer (spell buffs/ticks, decay, combat, regeneration).

Eating a mugwort will now reduce all poison potency to 5, rather than reducing potency by 5.

AI will no longer choose to casts spell they will fizzle at a target location.

                 (i.e: Salamanders will know Firewall will fizzle if targetted at water)

ItemTeleporters will now function correctly for the specified item type.

Creating additional summons will not kill non-summoned followers.

Instant cast spells can not be cast with insufficient mana.

AI will now ignore terrain created by illusions.


September 30, 2021

Lux — 09/30/2021

I've exposed all of the items implemented so far as on the server. They can be seen here:

This should help others that want to implement their own items on the map projects, offer suggestions on itemization, or create PRs to fix issues.


Stormhalter/Source/Kesmai.Server/Game/Items at master · jkachhad/St...

A public repository for Stormhalter, a Legends of Kesmai revival project. - Stormhalter/Source/Kesmai.Server/Game/Items at master · jkachhad/Stormhalter


October 4, 2021

Lux — 10/04/2021

You can not exit immediately after death.

StunProtection will calculate and apply properly for melee hits.

You can no longer Shadowstep on your own hex and can successfully cast on staircases.

Instant spells can have their targeting activated between rounds.

Roll will roll a d20 and notify players in line-of-sight.

Party System accessible via "party" command.

                    /party create abcd         - Creates a party name 'abcd'

                    /party join abcd        - Joins the party, the leader must be in your range.

                    /party leave            - Leaves your current party. A new leader will be assigned if the leader leaves.

                    /party disband            - Disbands your current party.

                    /party <message>        - Sends a message to the party.

               Experience is shared between members if they are in range.

               The % experience shared: your level / sum of party levels.



October 7, 2021

Lux — 10/07/2021

Party members can attack each other without flagging.

You will earn party experience if you are near the attacker or the creature.

The world window now matches the resolution from settings.



Lux — 10/07/2021

For anyone having issues with screen position, it can be dragged on the brown border.

October 8, 2021

Lux — 10/08/2021

I've released an optional client patch tonight. It should let you resize the client window to whatever dimensions you want, while keeping the in-game window to the settings resolution. This will let you control how much "black" area there is around the game.


October 11, 2021

Lux — 10/11/2021

Stormhalter v0.81


Held items dropped into the same container are not checked for weight limitations.


'Enchant Weapon' will cease if the weapon is ever dropped to the world.

Parties will automatically disband if the last member disconnects.

Illusion spells have been reworked. Choatic creatures have a chance to perceive them as real.

Added 'Level' Property for all regions that controls a monster level parameter.

+6 Shielders, Necro Staff, and Ice Dragon Armor from Axe Undead have had their icons updated.

October 12, 2021

Lux — 10/12/2021

A client patch has been deployed the fix Ice Dragon Scales not being allowed to be equipped.

October 17, 2021

Lux — 10/17/2021

Stormhalter v0.82


RescueAI will now properly adhere to Aggressive property.

Illusions have a higher chance to trick hostiles, but only work if the caster is in range.

Creature list will no longer jump kick during targeting.

Logging out on water tiles will no longer cause you to drown.

Creatures will avoid pathing into Whirlwind and Poison Cloud.

Parties recieve bonus experience with 2+ and up to 5 members. (you still get bonus xp past 5, but it caps at 5).

Consumables will properly describe their contents.

Increased item decay to 180 minutes from 60 minutes (scales with facet time).

The game window will now properly start centered.



October 19, 2021

Lux — 10/19/2021

Just so it's clear to everyone, I'm well aware people are scripting. I have no intention of punishing or handing out bans. It's an alpha and the characters are going to be wiped anyways. I'm collecting data 






October 25, 2021

Lux — 10/25/2021

Stormhalter v0.83


Added property IsTethered to CreatureEntity

                    Tethered entities teleport to their Home if they move far away.

                    Tethered entities also do not leave their region to chase combatants (up/down stairs).

Snakes from Create Snake are now considered summoned and their alignment matches their caster.

Added a Password command to reset your password in conference.

Searching walls will cause Create Portal spell to dispel.

Kick command is available to deal Bashing damage using hand skill.

                    Looking for feedback regarding damage.

Encumbrance is now visible on the character sheet.

Server will now restart at 2 AM PST / 5 AM EST.

Spells can now strike critically with bonus damage.

Combat logging for ranged & direct spell attacks.

Fan will now drop from Shidosha.

Gold description will now show the amount.



October 30, 2021

Lux — 10/30/2021

Stormhalter v0.84


Summoned Frogs and Rats will leave the mortal plane after 20 minutes.

Password command now requires your current password.

                    Usage: /password oldPassword newPassword

Forgiving players will properly mark hostility to persist on next save.

Pressing escape with an active target will clear the target and any marked paths.

The following spells require a direction when pathing, and can not initiate on the caster's location.

                    - Whirlwind, Poison Cloud, Create Portal, Concussion, Create Lava, Dragon Breath,

                    - Fire Bolt, Lightning Lance

Updated missing Search action on various wall terrain.

Introducing Channeled spells and the first prototype: Vigor, an experimental thief spell.

                    -     Vigor is available at at Shadow Mage (13), costs 8 mana to cast and 2 stamina/round to channel.

                        While channeled, it creates a stacking buff when attacking; I'll let you discover the effect.

                        Should you lose your stamina, the channel will end, and the stack will begin to tick down.

                        You may recast Vigor when your stamina regenerates, and continue building your stack.

Icons added for Shadowstep, Stalker in the Shadows, Perception, Backstab, and Vigor.

Opal is active again.