Keshma Orc Caves
From Stormhalter
One of the first dungeons of Keshma, this area is home to Chief Smuggla. It has a long waterway that runs through most the dungeon, enabling adventures to quickly run past most of the non-swimming orcs. Beware of the Beheaders though, who can swim through the water.
The easiest way to reach this area is from the ropes right next to the Keshma portal. Another entrance can be found to the far west in the water of Keshma Surface. This will drop you down in the southwest portion of the dungeon.
Connected Areas
Recommended Protections
- Poison, Water Breathing,
Expected Enemy Pack(s)
- (2x) Urk Hunter - Archer
- (4x) Urk Bodyguard - Archer
- (3x) Urk Skirmisher - Melee
- (1x) Urk Beheader - Melee
- (1x) Urk - Melee
General Notes
- If you are looking to start adventuring past the surface level of Keshma, this is a great place to start. Just be careful when coming down the rope, there can be quite a few packs waiting.
- Utilize the water to minimize the pack numbers and damage you are taking.