Underkingdom Yasnaki Level

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The Yasnaki level is filled with the remnants of the ancient Yasnaki Brotherhood. The remaining living members who were not corrupted by the Overlord and turned into undead. The monsters here are extremely dangerous.

Yasnaki Martial Artists, Wizards, Thaumaturges, and Knights live down here.

Recommended Level


Notable Monsters


Yasnaki Knights

Yasnaki Knights roam the temple. They are simple melee characters, but particularly dangerous.


Yasnaki Monks

Yasnaki Monks are dangerous martial artists who will follow you with jumpkicks unless you can trick them with Darkness Hexes.


Yasnaki Thaumaturges

Yasnaki Thaumaturges travel in packs and cast massive damage curses. Be careful not to let them cast their spells if you're not prepared to lose a large chunk of health.


Yasnaki Wizard

Yasnaki Wizards travel alone, but they will cast a variety of spells including Concussion, which can stun you and let the monsters down there overwhelm you. Be cautious to not let them cast.

Notable Loot

Image Description Value
item-00176.png Whale gem
item-00062.png Tourmaline bar
Image Description Item Information
item-00053.png Glower Rings
item-00045.png Shielder Rings
item-00007.png Shield Bracelet Bracers
item-00133.png Strong Strength Bracelet Bracers
item-00106.png Youth Potions Potions