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Getting to Keshma

In order to reach Keshma, you must first do an the obtain the void ring from the Escort Quest in Black Burrows. Once you obtain the void ring to reach Keshma see: How to get to Keshma. Once in Keshma, you must keep your void ring either on your person or in your locker at all times otherwise you will be teleported to the Hall of Legends. It is advised to keep your void ring in your locker because if you die and are looted with it on you, you will not be able to retrieve your death pile since you will be teleported out of Keshma until you either obtain a new void ring or someone retrieves your void ring from your death pile for you.

List of regular mobs that have a chance of dropping gems:

1) Treants in Dark Forest

2) Duids in Valley

3) Mummies in the Crypt

4) Griffin Matriarch

5) Tiger Matriarch

6) Cold Drakes

7) Praetorian guards

Kesh Lower Valley