How to get to Keshma

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How to get to Keshma

Now that you have your Void Ring. Follow these steps to get to Keshma. If you do not yet have a Void Ring, please complete the Blood Princess Vava'Vuun - Keshma Key Quest.

Step 1. Bring the Void Ring to this hex next to where you first portal into Black Burrows. (NOTE:You must HOLD the ring in your hand, as if it was a weapon when you step onto the hex.)

Step 2. If you did the last step correctly you will find yourself teleported to a purpleish area. You no longer need to have the ring in your hand at this point. Feel free to swap it out for a weapon or just leave it equipped. You can explore this area a bit if you like, there are no enemies here to worry about. But eventually you will see a swirling portal that is just east of the posted screenshot. Go through that portal. From there, follow the path until you see yet another portal. Go through that portal as well. If you end up going off the path, you will simply be teleported back to the beginning.

Step 3. If you followed the steps above correctly, you should arrive just south of the drop into Frog Town. Go down the rope into the frog area and head DIRECTLY SOUTH until you see a purple swamp tree (pictured below). While standing on this tree, you must WEAR the ring. If you try to WEAR the ring at any other point you will get a system text hinting at this location and preventing you from wearing the ring. Once you are wearing the ring in one of your ring slots, you must move off this tree hex then back onto it, and it will teleport you to a new area.

Step 4. You must now remove the ring from your ring slot and instead HOLD the ring in your hand. Follow the path south (north is just a deadend). You will come to a Lawful Ghost NPC. If you are HOLDING the ring in your hand and are Level 21 or above, the ghost will let you pass. If you are still wearing the ring, or have it in your bag, or are not yet level 21 or above, the ghost will not let you pass. Once you pass the ghost you will see a portal hex which will take you to Keshma Surface.

Congrats on making it to Keshma!

To get to Town. Leave the portal area as shown below, and follow the paved road to the town gates. Step up to the gates and you will be teleported inside. (NOTE: Remember to locker your void ring once you in town. see Void Ring for details).