New Game Bestiary List
From Stormhalter
Creature | Picture | Type(s) | Location(s) |
Kobolds | Melee | Kobold Dungeon -100 / Kobold Dungeon -200 / Keep of Darkness -100 / Keep of Darkness -200 / Keep of Darkness -300 | |
Orcs | Melee / Archer | Kobold Dungeon -100 / Kobold Dungeon -200 / Keep of Darkness -100 / Keep of Darkness -200 / Keep of Darkness -300 | |
Hobgoblin | Melee | Kobold Dungeon -100 / Kobold Dungeon -200 / Keep of Darkness -100 / Keep of Darkness -200 / Keep of Darkness -300 | |
Lich | Melee / Caster | Kobold Dungeon -200 / Keep of Darkness -100 / Keep of Darkness -200 | |
Piranha | Melee | Kobold Dungeon -200 / Kobold Dungeon -300 / Bloodlands Surface / Bloodlands Forest / |