Keep of Darkness -300
From Stormhalter
Keep of darkness -300
Connected Areas
Recommended Protections
- Death, Stun
Expected Enemy Pack(s)
- (2x) Orc - Archer
- (1x) Spectre - Caster/Melee
- (1x) Banshee - Caster/Melee
- (1x) abomination - Melee
- (4x) Kobold - Melee
- (3x-4x) Hobgoblin - Melee
- (1x) mummy - Melee
- (2x) Skeleton - Melee
Mini Bosses
- (1x) chaotic demon - Caster/Melee
- (2x) Kobold - Melee
General Notes
- Chaotic demons are introduced on this floor. They can cast Death spells 4-6 times before engaging in melee combat. Be careful.
- To acess the room lair rooms for Korfin and Finrok, you'll need to do a 'search west' command. You cant just click it like a normal secret wall.