-4 Kesmai

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Kesmai -4 Dungeon (Ruins of The Underground Temple)
In the deepest regions of the Kesmai dungeon, the Brotherhood established their main laboratory. Many of their foulest experiments were conducted here. From the lake above, the river flowed down, and flooded parts of the lowest level. A pair of secret doors and a hallway of permanent darkness guarded a summoning room in the South. Monsters were created that were the ancestors of some of the greatest monsters now found. These monsters were then transported (via the portals) to the other lands, to be placed as guards for certain areas. In the Northwest corner of the level, another magical portal can be found. It too seems to open to the sky, and is surrounded by trees. This portal leads to Oakvael, the land of the mighty trees. In the Northern most section of the level, is a special temple area. It was from this area that the Brotherhood made their infamous attempt at summoning the Droon Dragon. The Northeast corner of this area was the office of the High Priest of Yasnak, with a sacrificial altar still marking the area. The central chamber was the grand summoning room, where the actual ritual was performed. The red Dragon, who has been nicknamed Daisy by the local population, still resides in the far West part of this chamber, near the altar used during her original summoning. Behind the altar is a crypt, in which were once stored the remains of several of the Yasnaki ancients. Due to some strange magic, Ghouls have come and taken over the crypt area. Some have said that the Ghouls ate the remains of the former High Priests, and managed to gain some of their power, while others claim that the Ghouls are the animated remains of those former High Priests. Whichever story is true (if either of them is); the Ghouls that guard the crypt are very formidable opponents, particularly with their poisonous bite. The foul water that has flooded the passage between the temple and the crypt is home to Piranha it is said. If an adventurer should be fortunate enough to slay the Ghouls and any other guardians as may be found in the crypt, they may sometimes find one of the Brotherhoods lost artifacts. The legendary Returning Hammer.