BB Frogs
From Stormhalter
Black Burrow Languish Lakes - aka Froggo aka Frog Town
Portals connected with a direct line are directly connected and you can go back and forth between them. Portals connected with an ARROW are one way and re-entering the portal will not take you back to the previous portal.
Connected Areas
- Mines +100
- ??
Recommended Protections
- ??
Expected Enemy Pack(s)
- ??
Mini Bosses
- ??
General Notes
- Froglock Knight - casts heal on self. Drops a heartgem worth 1.5 million gold or 3 million exp at Kyra
- Insane Wizard - casts create lava, ice spear, magic missile, web, can teleport the player, can make the player hallucinate, and more. Drops either a heartgem worth 3 million gold or 6 million exp at Kyra or one of 2 pearls needed to craft a caster ring at Destiny