Exploding Corridor

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Exploding Corridor & the Overlord (-400): As a final defense against intrusion by outsiders,

the Overlord set the High Council in separate cells. He feared that, once they gave up their

The Exploding Corridor and Overlord Lair

bodies, they might turn on another, further diminishing his power. Along the path from

the Mummies Crypt to his secret lair, The Overlord set concussion mines. He also had openings

made in the cells of the High Council. All of this was so that any intruder would be met with a

multitude of traps designed for the sole purpose of destroying them before they got the chance to

interrupt his plans. To further confuse any would-be trespassers, the entire corridor

was set under a spell of permanent Darkness. The Overlord himself underwent a

radical change. His body became diffuse, though was not totally abandoned.

However, the change to his body was such that no known weapon will touch him.

And being made of Magic, he is highly resistant to most forms of magic, but not all

forms. The Overlord will attack with Hand, Foot, and spell. His favoured spell is the wizard's Ice

Spear. And being made of pure magic, the overlord need not chant in order to cast his spells. His

power is such that any attack, aside from the physical damage, will also drain the vitality and

youth from a person. In his possession is one true artefact from the Glory days of the

Brotherhood. A great staff is held that will grant more power to any Magician that chooses to

wield it. It is reputedly a great blocking weapon and also that it enhances a wizard's spell of

shield thus mitigating physical attack while they plied their trade of magic.

The Staff also aids in the restoration of Magic to the possessor of the staff.

To be fully effective the staff must be wielded in the right hand with the left

hand empty.