How to craft a Keshma portal gem

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Keshma Portal Gem

The Keshma Portal Gem has two uses. The first use is that it allows you to teleport back to Keshma from other lands. To do so, hold it in your hand and double click it, then target yourself. The Portal Gem has a cooldown on it and will turn from blue to red when used. At the time of this writing, it seems that the color changing affect is a bit buggy and will stay red even though it is charged. So even if your portal gem is red, give it a try to see if it works. The second thing the portal gem does is that it allows you to use the Keshma shortcuts that are located just under the Keshma lockers. To use these shortcuts, just place the portal gem in your inventory and walk onto the portal hex. These shortcuts are on directional, so be sure to put on a recall ring first. In order to unlock the shortcuts you must have your portal gem on you when you kill the boss for the area that the shortcut leads too. If you are in a party you do NOT need to get the killing blow, but you do need to be within range to get EXP from the kill. You cannot just sit in town in a party while someone else in your party kills the boss. Just be sure to make a backup of your portal gem prior to taking with you hunting (see below).

To obtain the Keshma Portal Gem you need to bring the following 3 items to Vinz:

1. A red rock which drops off the following mobs (note: These are the same 3 mobs that drop the materials to craft Keshma armor)

2. A purple Hammer found on Keshma surface mobs

3. A yellow recall ring

4. 1,000,000 gold

And then instruct him to "v, craftportalgem"