Lockpick Town

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Lockpick Town
Lockpick town was established above the Skull Caves. Thieves first set up the town in order that they could train and do business without local law enforcement officials constantly trying to end their meagre existence. During the reign of the brotherhood, the thieves of Axe-Glacier were ignored, and the thieves likewise ignored the brotherhood, so the town flourished. When the brotherhood was finally eradicated and others finally moved back to Axe-Glacier, they tried to establish law and order in all of the towns. Of course, the residents of Lockpick did not like this, and they showed their displeasure in many ways, until those of law finally took the message and left Lockpick to it's own devices (but not before at least establishing a temple there). There is a tree stump in the centre of town, charred and scorched, but still standing. as a reminder to all of what happens to sheriffs in this town. The last person to try and be sheriff was taken and tied to the tree, and then Okerneal, father of Runa, cast the fires himself.