Menuki Gauntlets/Masamune Katana

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1.This quest is for the menuki gauntlets or the Masamune Katana...

2.All these items can be gathered before talking to any of the NPCs.

3.This quest is for all classes

4.The quest NPCs are found north of the town in Torii, up those stairs and up another set of stairs to the north.

LEVEL 1 OF 4 Sato wants Yttrl. Yttrl is a blueish spotted rock found in the torii mines and is quite common. Only Yttrl from AG can be used. exchange that and you will recieve a katana. Put that in your right hand and jump into the grey hex and you will be teleported to level 2.

LEVEL 2 of 4 Shingen wants a Tsuba The Tsuba(sue-bah) can be found in the Torii mines. any of the creatures down there can drop it.The drop rate is like 1/1000 or more! Shingen will give you Dragon gaunlets Use those to portal in the single fire hex.

LEVEL 3 of 4 Ikagi wants a Flawless black pearl. Willard's Flawless black pearl is located in the top of Torii castle. Willard is a white rat that roams around.He's poisonous and can hit pretty hard, so be careful. Ikagi will give you the 3staff. take that to the water portal

LEVEL 4 OF 4 Shukuei wants a cord. The Cord can be found rarely on any monster in the Torii castle. The castle is located west and slighty south of town, up a rope and up another robe south. Beware of poisonous rats! Shukuei will give you a dragon menuki. Menukis!

The Tiger Menuki

The tiger menuki is located in the Invisible level on rift glacier. It has a steady droprate. To reach the Invisible Level , you enter rift town and go south from balm/recall seller and down the hole to the east. once down there open the secret door south and concussion or portal the wall that is East of the SouthWestern most hex. Up the rope is the Haunted Mansion.A skull rock is the item you are looking for, and any of the creatures here have a chance of dropping it. Take it to the basement which is located within a hidden secret door in the kitchen (all the way east) and then venture all the way west (BEWARE OF POISONOUS RATS) The portal hex is located all the way west in the basement. Once in this new room go west and you will be teleported to the inviso level. warning RECALLS DONT WORK IN THE INVISO LEVEL OR THE CHAMBER BEFORE IT!

The Final Island Take the Dragon Menuki and the Tiger menuki to either trainer in the Middle Giant island far east of Torii. With the Tiger and Dragon. go far east of Torii and you will find a giant island. The only way to get on the island is on its east side. NW and then SW is Masamune the Katana Crafter and NW and NE in a door is Zatokujira the Menuki gaunlet maker. YOU CAN CHOOSE ONLY ONE!

The masamune is a +6 longsword. Currently This sword cannot hurt any roaming or lair boss.

The Menukis are +4 and can hit the Blackwolf and Super Griffin Located in Rift Glacier