Oakvel Old Order of Knights

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Old Order of Knights

In the far Northeast corner of the Surface, through a dense patch of briars, along a trail that leads deep in the woods, live Aniet and Brych. Aniet is a Knight trainer, and will grant Knighthood to all that are worthy of the title. Brych is another of the Old Order of High-Knights who will grant a weapon of great renown, the Knights Halberd. In exchange for this superior weapon you must give him a small token, the Miseri-corde Dagger (know for it's blue-glowing properties). He will also send those that he gifts with the Halberd to seek the ancient master of Knights that is hidden deep within the catacombs beneath the surface of Oakvael.



In the Northwest corner of the surface, the Thieves have claimed an area where they may train in peace, away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds. Next to the Thieves guild is Berg's Pit, a hole where garbage that is collected and dumped down a chute from the city above. The graveyard is just to the Southwest of the portal complex, and will provide to any that desire a passage to the realm of the Underworld.

Three areas of the surface have collapsed, granting those with FEATHERFALL ability access to the lower reaches of the area. The first of these drops is just South of the portal complex, and leads down to Spider City, where great Spiders, Scorpions, and Vipers live. Previous adventurers have left a rope here to climb up and down. This is the highest level of the catacombs, and is actually rather deserted, except for an occasional Kobold, Orc, Troll, and of course…Spider. The second area is East of Rager's Lake, and is really a two-ledge jump. One ledge leads to the Serpent Sea level, the other to the Temple of the Demons. Both of these areas are very dangerous, and should be avoided except by very high level individuals, or larger hunting groups.

The third area is in the Southeast corner of the surface, and has been nicknamed "The Express Elevator to Hell". This should give the wary adventurer a warning that extreme caution should be used by those desiring to use it as a method of quickly moving from the surface to the areas below. Some of the jump points lead to the Spider City or to the Serpent Sea, but most lead directly to the level of the Undead, an area where the Brotherhood performed some of their most advanced research in the generation of Undead Warriors. The East side of the surface is covered in a great forest of burned trees, and is referred to by the locals as the Burnt Woods. No one remembers exactly how the forest was destroyed in that region, though legend has it that the Brotherhood summoned a Great Dragon there, and the Dragon decimated the woods until Cudyl came and killed the Dragon. Cudyl can still be found wandering in the woods, ever vigilant.