Oakvel Troll Temple
From Stormhalter
The Old Yasnaki Temple (Troll Temple)
The main city and temple of the Brotherhood was established below the Serpent Sea level. Walking along the avenue, you can both appreciate the beauty of the city (even the Brotherhood did a few things right), and at the same time sense the ultimate evil which was the driving force behind the Brotherhood. The Northern part of the city was the temple to the Demon Lords, and other minor temples were established around the perimeter of the city. The temple, with its grotesque imagery, is still perhaps one of the few marvels from the Brotherhood that was not destroyed when the Brotherhood itself perished. Today it is home to a few descendants of the Brotherhood, but is mainly occupied by large numbers of Troll, and is usually referred to as the Troll Temple because of this. Glamuzu is the local variant of "law enforcement", though I really doubt that there are any laws to be enforced. Still, together with his martial artist deputy, Griizalu, he keeps an eye on everything, and makes sure that nothing comes along to disrupt their daily business. In the Northwest corner is an abandoned archery range, which has been converted to a prison of sorts. Glamuzu caught Konran wandering through the city, evidently drunk from a few too many Troll brews, and locked him up here. Anyone daring enough can try to spring Konran free and lead him back to his home in the city above. In return, Konran will give his rescuer a gift of a special cloth. The Troll minions, and a few Wizards and Thaumaturges, still remain, keeping the sacrificial flames lit, and performing their evil incantations, on the hope that one day a new Brotherhood will emerge.