Oakvel Undead Temple

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The Undead Temple

The Undead Temple
The level of the Undead Altar is a hazardous place to be, even for the bravest adventurers! It is said that, at the height of their power, the Brotherhood built an altar complex, based on the pattern of the portal complexes, in order to assist them in summoning many of the foulest beasts imaginable. In this complex, they summoned many Liches, Wraiths, Wights, Spectres, Ghouls, Banshees, and Stalkers. Many of them also attempted to prolong their life beyond its normal measure with enchantments of enormous power. They had managed to summon Wraiths that were very capable fighters, but had lost their capability for magic. The Banshees they summoned were capable of casting their spells by simple force of will, but lacked any real endurance. The Ghouls and Stalkers were very potent fighters indeed, and the Liches were among the best spell casters around. The sorcerers that attempted the life prolonging technique were successful to a degree, though in the process they lost some of their magic skill, and were limited to one or two spells that they could still remember. In an attempt to summon a being that was both a capable fighter and a competent Magician, the Brotherhood set forth in the altar area to cast their greatest enchantment yet, even greater than the one which summoned the Dragon to Kesmai. The results were devastating. A great explosion rocked the entire area around the altar, and the explosion ripped a great hole all the way to the surface of Oakvael. Most of the Brotherhood were killed by the blast, and the few that remained were so beat up that they could not withstand the onslaught of the two creatures that answered their summons. For they did manage to summon two Demon Liches, both capable in the area of the martial arts and magic. The summoning was not as well as they had desired, but as none of survived, it hardly matters. The Iron Lich Twins (Larry and Harvey) roamed the level until they found an area to their liking, where they established a permanent residence. Near the stairs leading from the Troll Temple level is another staircase, carved with a completely different architecture, leading down to the Reptile Pit.