Porphyrys' Pub

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Porphyrys' Pub
A long time ago, there was a great hero of Axe Glacier, Porphyry of that which is C.U.R.E. He was a very valiant Warrior, but had a weakness for certain spirits that were served at this particular pub in Axe Glacier, not to mention the rather attractive barmaids that worked the place. The POR family had frequented that bar for many years (and in fact had been some of the best patrons). One day, the proprietor met with an accident while heading home. In his will, he left the entire bar to the POR family as a token of his esteem for his favorite patron. To this day, one can find POR propped up at a table, leaning back in his chair (or sometimes he's on the floor, depends on how far back in the chair he leaned). Of course, the original proprietor never liked keeping tabs, so he arranged to have a branch of the Kesmai bank moved in so his customers would have convenient access to their cash. And as a service for his customers, he provided balm and recall agents, figuring that the best customer was a living customer, and with recalls set for the bar, he'd have a good supply of repeat customers.