Vile Necromancer

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body-00221.png Vile Necromancer

Property Key Property Value
Alias Vile Necromancer
Difficulty Hard
Location Undead Necropolis
Hit Points 9000
Damage ???
Spells Poison Cloud

Fighting style: Poison Cloud, spawns helpers, spawns a dragon named "nidhogg" randomly, and melees with staff.

Drops: PMP, Super Icies, regular Icies, Super Shield Ring, Rez staff, some sort of cool looking staff, Wisdom pot.

If you are vying for a pair of Super Icies, it is advised that you do not kill him in his normal state. You want to target his friends and delay the fight as long as possible so he spawns his pet dragon, nidhogg. You must kill this dragon to enrage (make him super red) the Necromancer. Enraged Necromancer will hit harder so keep your balms/dp's/cures at the ready.

This is your cue that he will be spawning his pet dragon soon.