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  • Collect pelts from "Regal diseased wolf" mobs. You take the corpse of them to the tailor in WW town, or recall out to any tailor from the southern portions of ww town. You obtain an item called "Scroll" which is the pelts.
  • 1,3,6,10,15,21 . Starts at uncommon. 1=uncommon, 21=mythic
  • Turn in to Refugee Leathersmith
  • "ref,craft armor"


Bind on pick up: no

Special Notes

Gains 50 DR and 1 of each protection per quality upgrade.

Quality BasePrice Slash Pierce Bashing Projectile Other
Uncommon 1,500 3 3 3 4 Adds 150 DR. Fire 6/ Ice 6/ Conc 15
Mythic 1,500 8 8 8 9 Adds 400 DR Fire 11/ Ice11/ Conc 15

Map of WW Town
