NG Weapons

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Overview (All "Razalas Peak (WeaponSmith)" removed till bugs fixed)

Weapons are used by players to attack and kill creatures found in the dungeons. Most weapons are melee weapons, and attack using the 'fight' command. Halberds, staffs and spears provide additional attack options, such as 'poke' or 'polekick', and bows must be knocked and then shot at a creature to attack. All weapons may be thrown at creatures. LVL Column is if the item has a LVL requirement. List of items with Quality.


Bows and Cross Bows

WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
OakGroveBow 5 6 17 0 5 VeryHeavy 15, Silver True Oakvael, Grove Escort
item-00232.png ThunderBolt 9 12 24 0 7 Heavy TwoHanded, BlueGlowing Vision Quest


WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL

CorruptedDagger 1 3 10 2 7 VeryLight QuickThrow, Returning, Throwable True Razalas Peaks Alchemist
item-00332.png BloodDagger 15 2 12 4 6 Light Silver, BlueGlowing, QuickThrow Lord Hydra Blood Lands 20


WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
item-00334.png Heavy Silver Flail 33 40 140 0 9 Medium TwoHanded, Silver, Blueglowing True Razalas Peaks Unhinged Vandal
item-00197.png BloodFlail 10 5 15 2 6 Medium TwoHanded, Silver, Blueglowing True Bloodlands


WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
item-00070.png StoneGauntlets 30 30 80 0 9 VeryHeavy BlueGlowing, Bashing, Lawful True Goliath MA
item-00070.png KungFuMaster 13 1 8 5 6 VeryHeavy BlueGlowing, Bashing, Lawful True Peaks Escort MA
item-00037.png BloodGaunts 12 3 12 5 8 VeryHeavy Silver, BlueGlowing, Bashing, Lawful True Bloodlands, drops off Anubis MA 21
item-00023.png Eldritch Gaunts 12 1 2 6 2 Heavy Bashing True Chance drop off of bosses past Corruptor
item-00069.png BoneGaunts 12 1 8 5 6 VeryHeavy BlueGlowing, Bashing True Chance drop off of bosses past Corruptor
Claws of a poison dart frog 1500 1 6 3 6 VeryHeavy BlueGlowing, Bashing True Black Burrow, drops off Nothon, Guppo of Guppos 4th dan for THF

8th dan

item-00069.png MageGaunts 1500 1 3 3 4 VeryHeavy BlueGlowing, Bashing, Lawful True Blackburrow,

chance of drop from Al'Kabor

Honor Gauntlets 1 3 4 VeryHeavy BlueGlowing, Bashful, Lawful True Double Dragon Knight/Thaum


WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
item-00158.png Halberd 2 1 12 2 0 Medium TwoHanded False
Mahogany Pike 12 18 36 5 6 Medium TwoHanded, Silver, BlueGlowing, Slashing True Blackburrow, drops from Guardian of Al'Kabor


WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
item-00328.png StormCloud 14 3 10 4 7 Medium BlueGlowing, Returning, Throwable True VisionQuest

Queen'sSepter 8 2 10 3 3 Light BlueGlowing, Bashing, Lawful, ManaRegen True Bloodlands, drops from Queen 18
item-00338.png WolchaMace 12 4 12 5 6 Light Silver, Bashing True Razalas Peak (WeaponSmith)
item-00381.png BloodAxe 13 2 10 4 6 Light BlueGlowing, Returning, Throwable True Bloodlands, drops from Ethereal Ice Dragon 21


WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
item-00309.png BloodRapier 13.75 5 10 3 6 Medium Silver, BlueGlowing, Piercing True Blood Lands Necromancer 18
item-00309.png CorruptedRapier 13.75 3 12 5 5 Medium BlueGlow, Piercing True Razalas Peaks Lars


WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL

CursedStaff 1 6 16 4 6 Medium TwoHanded, Silver, BlueGlowing, Piercing True VisionQuest
Javelin 1 4 12 2 5-8 Light TwoHanded, Returning, BlueGlowing, Piercing, OneHanded, Silver True Nook


WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
item-00561.png VileStaff 1 5 15 3 4 VeryHeavy TwoHanded, Bashing, Neutral True VileNecromancer

EnergyStaff 14 3 12 7 4 Medium TwoHanded, BlueGlowing,Bashing True VisionQuest
item-00339.png BloodSythe 13 5 15 6 6 Light TwoHanded, Silver, BlueGlowing, ... True Bloodlands, drops from Lord of Darkness 20 or 21
item-00173.png MageJavelin Light TwoHanded, Silver, BlueGlowing, ... True Blackburrow, drops from Plague Master Nook


WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
item-00326.png CorruptedKatana 13 1 4 6 6 VeryLight TwoHanded, BlueGlowing, Slashing, True Razalas Peak
item-00085.png BloodSword 11 2 10 4 5 Light Silver, BlueGlowing, Piercing, Slashing True Not in the game ATM

BloodKhopesh 11.25 2 10 0 7 Medium Silver, BlueGlowing, Piercing, Slashing True Bloodlands, drops off Sekhmet 21

TwoHanded (GreatSword)

WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
WolchaGreatsword 11 5 15 4 7 Silver, Slashing True Razalas Peak


BloodGreatsword 10 5 15 5 5 Heavy Silver, Slashing, BlueGlow, Main Hand. True Demon Twins, Blood Lands
Umbral Broadsword 10 18 38 5 5 BlueGlow, Slashing, Lifesteal True Thutmos, Black Burrow

TwoHanded (GreatStaff)

WeaponName BasePrice MinimumDamage MaximumDamage BaseArmorBonus BaseAttackBonus Penetration Flags CanBind Locations Class LVL
item-00114.png ThreeStaff 12 3 12 5 5 Light Bashing True Razalas Peak Warped Shidosha
item-00115.png WolchaThreeStaff 13 5 15 6 6 Medium Silver, Bashing

Damage Types

Some monsters in the game can only be damaged and killed by weapons that inflict a certain type of damage. All weapons will inflict at least one type of damage on its target, however there are a few weapons that can inflict multiple types of damage with a single attack.

Type Notes
Blue Glow This property is generally found on Tied weapons and other items with magic properties.
Silver A silver weapon is sometimes needed to attack specific creatures.
Piercing Some creatures require piercing weapons to damage them, while some (like skeletons are completely immune to its affects.
Blunt Some mobs are immune.
Slashing Some mobs require edged.