From Stormhalter
In ages Past, Oakvael was overrun by the foul creations of the Brotherhood of Yasnac. In an effort to protect themselves, the Citizens of Oakvael built a great city in the Trees of the realm, some of the trees are so great that they can actually support the full weight without bending or breaking.The dwellers of the city devised a way of walking safely among the trees, and after a few accidental drops from the tree city to the surface, they developed the boots for Walking on Air.
- Surface
- Oakvel Town
- Doom.Orc
- Old Order of Knights
- Spider City
- Hobgoblin Caves
- Eastern Ledge
- Wyrm Wilderness
- Serpent Sea
- Troll Temple
- Undead Temple
- Reptile Pit
- Heart of the Grove